An Aggressium Song

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Argus' p.o.v

' You sure about this...?' I ask.

Amora rolls her eyes. ' The best way to get it right is through pressure. Don't worry, you'll be fine if you can successfully put up your shield.

I gulp. What if I don't?

She draws an arrow and pulls it with the bowstring. ' Ready?'


Despite me saying no, she still releases the arrow anyway. Instead of trying to summon my Song, I duck below the arrow, and it hits the tree behind me.

I look up. ' I said I wasn't ready!'

' Will you ever be ready when someone suddenly attacks you?'

She makes a good point actually.
' Still, you could've killed me!'

She shrugs.

We've been training for about a week. We can talk to each other without stammering now, which is good.

Master Cieden Mendoris came back to Mendoria five days ago, so I've moved into another room instead of sleeping on her brother's bed.

She's been teaching me for seven days, yet I still can't summon my Song. So she came up with this crazy idea of firing an arrow at me.

She puts her bow away. ' Well, it's getting late. Let's continue tomorrow.'

Oh, I'm not looking forward to morning now.

I nod, and we head back to our rooms.


I flip through my book.

It is also possible for an Ardoni to get a Song for another Ardoni.

Suddenly, I have an idea.


Amora's p.o.v

The next morning, I head towards where we usually meet up.

I'm early, as usual.

I lean against a tree as I wait for Argus to arrive.

Soon enough, he comes through the trees. ' Hey, Amora.'

' Ready to start?'

' Uh...not yet... I have something for you...'

I raise my eyebrows.

He pulls out an Agressium Song from his inventory. ' I thought you might want to have another Song...'

I take it. ' What Song is this?'

' It sounds like Aggroblade.'

' Aggroblade? Never heard of it...'

' It's not a common one to get, since it's only useful for Ardoni who don't wield swords.'

' What does it do?' I ask.

' It gives the user the ability to create blades made of red energy. I guess you got this because you usually just use your bow...'

Makes sense. I do know how to use a sword, but I don't really use one much.

' So...want to try it out?' he asks.

' Sure, let's head to the Song Shrine now.'

/A/N/ Really short chapter. Just wanted to show how Amora got her Aggressium Song.

Well, she hasn't used it yet, but I'm going to explain Aggroblade anyway.

Aggroblade gives the user the ability to create blades made of red energy. I was inspired by Hela from Thor: Ragnarok for this one. The blades can be small ones used to throw at enemies or normal swords used in combat. The user has to be powering the Song for the whole time.

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