Best Friends?

201 8 6

Senn's (OD) p.o.v

I continue reading through the dairy.

I've been very busy lately, so I have moved out from Sendaria to New Voltaria. Ria is still staying in Sendaria.

I close it. Why does this guy have to write so much about her?!

I look up at the ceiling, as I recall the last time I ever saw her.


53 years ago...

Third person view

Hubris stands outside the room holding the Agressium Song.

Senn, his markings blue instead of red, walks up to him with his iron sword drawn.

' Senn? What are you-'

Before Hubris can finish, Senn puts his sword through him. Senn pulls it out as Hubris' light yellow markings fade out, and he falls forward.


Ria, who was guarding the Agressium Prime Song, turns to the side after hearing the sound of a sword being pulled. She draws out her spear cautiously.

Senn walks into the room.

Ria stands between him and the Agressium Prime Song. ' Senn...'

' Out of my way, Ria.'

' Don't do this.'

Senn raises his sword.

Ria is holding her spear, but doesn't move it into a defensive nor aggressive position. ' You won't kill me.'

Ria stands her ground. Senn stops a few feet in front of her, still holding tightly onto his sword.

He looks down for a moment, then looks back up.

With a swing of his sword, he cuts Ria in the face.

Ria staggers back as she holds up a hand to her injury.

Senn takes a few more steps forward.

Ria finally moves her spear into an aggressive position, and charges at Senn.

Senn blocks her spear with his sword, and twists it around. The spear flies out of her hand, and clangs onto the floor a few feet away from her.

Ria turns to the side, but before she can do anything, she feels a stabbing pain in her back.

She looks down, and sees the end of a sword through her chest.

Her markings begin to flicker, and she has a hard time standing.

Senn pulls the sword out from her back, and Ria collapses forward as her light blue markings fade out.

Senn looks down at her, then back to the Agressium Prime Song.

He walks forward, and takes it before running off.

Senn's (OD) p.o.v

I sigh.

I'm so sorry, Ria...

' Senn!'

I turn around, already knowing who it was. ' What do you want, Deltheus?'

It has to be the Deltheus from my dimension, it says in the dairy that the Deltheus from here is dead.

' Ingressus is a bit mad, you haven't reported to him yet.'

' Tell him I found the location of the Prime Songs, they're in an Enderchest in the End.'

' Why haven't you reported this?'

' Because only Abbigail can open it.'

' The Enderqueen?'

' I sent a message to her, but she hasn't responded. You can tell Ingressus to be patient.'

' Don't think he'll listen.' Deltheus crosses his arms.

' Not like he has a choice, it's not like he can open the Enderchest himself.'

' So what do you plan to do?'

' Find a way to get Abbigail to open it. I'll send a message when she responds.'

' And if she doesn't?'

' I'll find a way.'

' Well, she better respond fast, or Ingressus is going to blow.'

Deltheus leaves. A few other Voltaris look at him confusingly, but he doesn't seem to notice.

I flip the dairy open again.


Should I...?

I take a deep breath, get up from my chair and leave the room.

/A/N/ I feel like Senn (OD) has a lot of flashbacks.

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