A Traveller

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Nalla's p.o.v

I yawn as I get out of bed. The sun had already rised high in the sky, and everyone in Kaltaria had already started getting to work.

I walk lazily towards the counter. My sister was already up and working on a sword.

' Is there anything you need?' I ask.

Kassa turns around. ' You're finally awake! I need more iron: we're almost out...again.'

' Anything else?'

' Maybe get some sticks while you're at it.'

' Alright.' I nod and leave the room. Kassa turns back to her work.

Ever since our parents died, we've been continuing their work at the blacksmith. Kassa is as good as our parents, while I can't make a single tool, it's just not for me. So she works at the blacksmith, while I go out gather materials once in a while.

I mount Shade. She may be fast, but it'll take a few weeks to reach K'arthen, where there's a ton of iron. But I don't mind, I actually really enjoy travelling.


Night has fallen. Just as I'm about to set up camp.

I set up a campfire. I then pitch up my tent, and lay down my sleeping bag.

/A/N/ Sleeping bags aren't in Minecraft, but Songs aren't in Minecraft either.

I grab some bread from my bag. The trip had made me very hungry. I finish it in three bites.

I look up at the starry night sky. It was beautiful...


Suddenly, I hear a branch snap. I open my eyes and sit up from my sleeping bag.


There it is again!

I reach out my hand towards my sword on the floor beside me, and exit my tent cautiously.

No one was there.

Was I hearing things?

Apparently not, because I heard another snap, and I heard where it came from.

I point my sword towards the trees.
' Show yourself!'

A Voltaris steps out from behind the tree. ' I'm sorry if I woke you up, I was just passing through.'

' Well, thanks a lot for that,' I roll my eyes.

' I didn't mean to snap every branch I encountered.'

' Really, because it looks like you did it on pur-'

Suddenly, he pounces on me. ' Ssh! Quiet!'

I don't know what to do. I try to struggle free, but fail. I look up at where he was looking, and see a figure in the distance. It must have been a Voltaris or Magnorite, since it was glowing red.

I stay quiet. If it was a Magnorite, you wouldn't want to stir up trouble. Those things hurt, and I mean really hurt. I'm kind of used to them, since I always go to a city full of them, but what was a Magnorite doing out here.

The glowing red lights fade into the distance. The Voltaris lets out a sigh of relief.

' What was that?' I ask.

' That was Senn Voltaris.'

' Wait, isn't he the master of the Voltaris clan?'

' Yes.'

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