A Voltaris Attack

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Amora's p.o.v

I hear birds chirping and slowly open my eyes. It was still early, the sun had just rose.

I get out of bed, grab my bow and a couple arrows, and head out as I usually do.

I pass by my parents' room. I glance inside. I don't know why I always do when I sneak out. It's just a habit of mine.


I reach my usual spot with my bow drawn, ready to fire. I look up at the trees. Weird, it's awfully quiet today.

No birds were around. That's strange, because birds usually come here for whatever reason.

Suddenly, I hear a rustle from the bushes. I turn my bow and aim towards the bush.

Nothing comes out.

I lower my bow. Must have been a fox or something. There's are a few here in Mendoria.

/A/N/ The trees in Mendoria kind of look like spruce trees you would find in a taiga biome, where foxes are usually found.

/A/N/ The trees in Mendoria kind of look like spruce trees you would find in a taiga biome, where foxes are usually found

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Suddenly, I hear a Song. Before I can react, someone uses a Song to teleport towards me. It must have been Mobiliburst, since I got knocked back onto one of the trees after he or she knocked into me.

I hear the sound of a sword being drawn, and feel the blade touch my throat. I pant in fear, afraid this could be the last time I ever lived.

It must have been an Ardoni, if he or she could use a Song. The Ardoni doesn't kill me yet.

' I want information, now.' It's a he. His rough voice makes my skin crawl.

I don't have my bow, I must have dropped it when he knocked me back. But I still have my arrows.

I sneakingly pull out an arrow from my inventory, and stab it forward. He cries out in pain, and I shove him forward.

I open my eyes, and see a Voltaris. He pulls the arrow out of his leg and tosses it behind him. ' Now you've made me mad.'

I gulp and glance to the side. My bow! There it was! Laying on the floor, a few feet away from me.

The Voltaris uses his Mobilum Song again, and I roll away as his sword swings over me. I get my hands on my bow, but before I can turn around, he stabs my right leg.

I groan in pain, but I can't stop now. I draw an arrow, and quickly fire it at the Voltaris.

He deflects it with his sword easily.
' Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that.'

I don't hesitate, and fire another arrow. He fires another Song, and an energy ball forms. It completely destroys my arrow, and continues flying towards me.

This is the end. I can't run, not fast enough. If I fire another arrow, it'll just get destroyed as well.

I close my eyes, and await death.

But death never came. Instead, I hear another Song, and then the sound of iron clashing rings through my ears.

I open my eyes, and see Ky' Val fighting the Voltaris.

She pushes him back, and fires her Aggressium Song at him. The Voltaris ducks as it flies over him, then uses his Mobilum Song to surprise her.

Ky' Val is gets knocked back and falls onto the dirt. The Voltaris approaches her, stroking his sword.

I quickly draw an arrow, pull it along with the bowstring, and fire it at him. I successfully hit his arm, and he drops his sword.

Ky' Val gets back up, and twirls around with her arm blades. The Voltaris, now unarmed, backs up to evade them, but ends up getting cut in the chest.

Just as Ky' Val is about to deal the final blow, he uses his Mobilium Song and disappears in a flash of golden particles.

Ky' Val looks back to where the particles pointed. The Voltaris picks up his sword, and disappears into the trees.

Ky' Val turns to me. ' Are you alright?'
She walks over and kneels beside me. She takes a look at my leg. ' That's pretty bad...'

She pulls my hand. ' Come on, let's go get you a healer.' I stagger up and wrap my arm around her shoulders, and she supports me back to the village.

Who was that Voltaris? What information did he want? I thought the Voltaris made peace with us after the Second Great War?

I have thousands of questions, but I'm too weak to seek the answer to any of them.


Ky' Val helps me into one of the rooms. ' Vann!'

Vann, runs up to us. He takes a look at my leg. ' Oh my... Get her on the bed now!'

Val sets me on the bed. I stretch out my leg to Vann.

Vann places his hand on my wound, and summons his healing Song. The peaceful music fills the room as the bottom of his hand starts glowing green. He holds the position for a while, and after a few seconds I feel much better.

He releases his hand. The cut isn't that deep anymore.

' Thank you, Vann.'

Vann nods, ' It's what I do, Ky' Val.'

Ky' Val turns back to me. ' See, you never know what would happen.'

' How did you know I was in danger?'

' I heard your cries. Why did that Voltaris attack you?'

I look down. ' I don't know...'

' Did you do anything wrong?'

' No, he just attacked me...'

Ky' Val sighs. ' I'm going to report this to Master Cieden.' She turns and leaves.

/A/N/ It's pretty obvious who attacked Amora right? I'm sure I made the picture look obvious enough.

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