A Nestoris In Mendoria

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Argus' p.o.v

I close my eyes, and try to focus.

Come on...

You can do this...

I hear the sound of a Song being summoned, and slowly open my eyes.

A blue light sparks in front of me, and dissapears along with the sound of the Song.

I sigh in disappointment.

' What are you doing, Argus?'

' Master Aurelius!' I quickly turn around. ' Nothing... Just... Umm...'

Master Aurelius chuckles. ' I see you finally managed to get yourself a Song.'

I sigh. ' You caught me. Please don't tell my parents...'

' Your secret is safe with me.' he walks a few steps forward, the sound of the end of Nestor being lifted and hitting the ground loud and clear. ' I heard there is a professional Song trainer in Mendoria. Perhaps you would like to join it?'

' But Mendoria is one the other side of Ardonia!'

' I suppose you could stay there, I'm sure they provide rooms for bypassers.'


And here I am. After weeks of travelling on a horse Master Aurelius gave me. I wonder how he managed to convince my parents...

I go below the trees surrounding Mendoria, and the village comes into view.

I ride in the outskirts of the village. Don't want to draw too much attention.

I reach the stables and put the horse there. I then walk through the alleys in the village, trying my best to stay low.

' Umph!'

Oh, crap, I had bumped into someone.

' Sorry...' I stammer as I get up. I hold out my hand to help her up.

The Mendoris female I bumped into doesn't say a word, gets up herself and leaves.

I stand there, not knowing what to do.

I already apologised, so I guess I can leave her be?

I sigh and continue walking.

Amora's p.o.v

Okay, so it's this alley next...

I turn round the corner, and a Nestoris appears right in my face. Without any time to react, I bump into him.

' Umph!'

Both of us land on the dirt with a loud thump.

He gets up, ' Sorry...' he holds out his hand.

I don't say a word and get up. I'm not really good with words anyway.

I walk off, leaving him there.

As I turn into the next alley, I look back. He was still standing there.

Did I make him feel bad?

I hear him sigh, and then he walks off.

What was he doing here? Usually there's no one else using these alleys but me.

I continue walking back home.

/A/N/ So both of them are walking in uncrowded alleys, because they don't exactly like crowds, so they bump into each other.

Pretty sure you know where I'm going with this.

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