Against Ingressus

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Keiran's p.o.v

Me and Almrak arrive at Felora. It's been a while since I travel via beacon.

' Alright, we're going to the Mahoa docks, it'll be easier to get to Riverstead by boat.'

' Hmm, it's been forever since I've seen this place, with all it's greenery I mean.'

I raise an eyebrow. This entire kingdom has been a forest for ages, how could there be no greenery here?

He notices. ' Oh, right. From where I come from, Felden was burnt to the ground around 30 years ago.'

' I'm still confused about your whole "I'm not from around here" thing. I assumed you're not from Ardonia, but now you say Felden was burnt down?'

' I'll explain on the way to Riverstead. So, why are you headed there?'

' I'm looking for someone. I got word he was sent there.'

' I see.'


' and the other Voltaris used the beacon that Herobrine uses to get here from another dimension where the Voltaris have taken over almost all of Ardonia?'

' Yes.'

' And my father is locked up somewhere, and my father from the other dimension pretending to be him at New Voltaria?'

' He's not exactly your father, but yes.'

' And he's working with Ingressus?'

' Sort of. He's only with him because he has nowhere else to go, not after he revealed all the Knights of Ardoni's information and killed a few of them, especially their leader, Thalleous.'

' Then who's the new leader?'

' We believe it's Pythus.'

' Pythus? The false Nether King?'

' Not from our dimension. After Chronos set out to conquer the Overworld, he engaged in a war against Ingressus. Chronos was killed, of course. Vulcannus became the new king, and didn't want to risk the lives of their people, so they retreated back to the Nether. Pythus then allied with the Knights of Ardonia 53 years ago, despite Vulcannus deciding against it. That alliance got the Nether involved, and Ingressus sent an army to kill every single Wither, greatly weakening their forces. Vulcannus couldn't live with himself, and gave up the throne. Pythus was seen using the Netherblade though, so I guess he's the new king. Not like he has to be a king anymore, there are very less Netherans alive after Ingressus attacked the Nether the second time.'

That was a lot to process.

' So, Pythus is a good guy?'

' Yeah, I guess if it's from your perspective. The Knights of Ardonia did kill plenty from my clan, but I guess that's what our clan gets for everything that's happened.'

' Why don't you ally with the Knights of Ardonia then? I mean, you're both against Ingressus, right?'

' Even if it was easy, we don't know where the Ender portal is, so it's impossible to even meet up with them.'

' So, Ingressus is the real enemy from your dimension?'

' From what I've heard, he didn't used to be. We were taught how "evil" the other clans were, but Ingressus didn't believe them at first. Achillean Nestoris, or the Tidesinger as you call him, killing his father, was what set him off.'

' So he does all of this for revenge?'

' Part of it. But I believe the main reason was the Prime Songs. They have an allure that-'

' Corrupts your very nature,' I finish his sentence, ' I've heard that thousands of times before.'

Almrak raises an eyebrow.

' Well then, who are the other Voltaris with you?'

' I'd prefer not to say, in case something happens.'

' Fine, but any hints?'

' No, you'll probably meet some of them soon anyway.'

/A/N/ Just getting in more with what happened in the other dimension.

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