He's In Trouble

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Sylvia's p.o.v

I sit on a hill, overlooking Sendaria.

' Hello, Master Sylvia.'

Oh, great... Not her...

I turn around. ' Hello, Ria...'

Ria sits down next to me. Why do things have to be so awkward between us...

We sit quietly next to each other. Neither of us say a word.

' So... How's Senn?' she breaks the silence, ' He's been so busy, I haven't seen him in a while...'

' He...'

Suddenly, we hear a neigh. We both turn around and see Timber.

I get up. ' Timber? Where is Senn?'

Timber uses his head to point in the direction he came from.

' I'll go get Midnight!' I rush towards the stables.

Ria just gets up on Timber. ' Come on, let's go!' Timber rides off with her before I can even leave the hill.


' Wait up, Ria!'

Ria and Timber don't slow down. I follow closely behind on Midnight.

We soon reach the border of the north. The ground is completely covered in white snow, and snow keeps falling on my face. I keep having to wipe them off.

Timber comes to a stop.

' No...' Ria gets off.

Midnight stops as well, and I get off.
' What is it?'

Ria turns around, holding Senn's sword. ' It was almost completely covered in snow, whoever did this to Senn has been long gone.'

I look around. ' No footprints to follow either.'

' Who could've done this?'

I shake my head. ' I don't know...'

Ria thinks for a moment. ' I heard rumours that Tygren is probably back, it could have been him.'

' Why do you think so?'

' Tygren has always been... Difficult...'

' What do we do now?'

' We continue searching for him.'

' Shouldn't we go report this to Aurelius, Cieden and Reya first?'

' By then, we don't know what they would've done with him.' Ria looks the opposite direction they came from. ' Probably went that way.'

' How can you be sure?'

' I'm not. But it's somewhere to start with.'

I groan. I do want to find out what happened to Senn, but I don't feel right doing it with her.

When I look back up, she's already on Timber. ' Are you coming or not?'

I'm probably going to regret this.
' Alright, I'm coming.'

I mount Midnight, and we set off in the direction she thinks they went.

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