From Another Dimension

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/A/N/ If there a ( OD ) at the back of the characters name in the p.o.v, it means "other dimension".

Senn's ( OD ) p.o.v

50 years ago...

' Why... Senn...?' he had fallen on his knees, and looks up at me.

I stagger towards him with my iron sword drawn. ' You lied to me, Thalleous...'

' I tried to protect you...'

' And where did that lead?' I snap back at him.

' This isn't you, Senn...' his blue lights are flickering, his voice sounds extremely weak.

' You don't know, who I am.'

I raise my sword, and look deeply into his blue eyes, which were pleading me. But I was so filled with rage, I didn't care.

' Senn!' a voice breaks in, and I snap back to reality.

I look up from the diamond sword I was stroking and see someone staggering through the blizzard. His glowing red markings were flickering.

' Tygren?'

Tygren walks a bit further, then falls forward onto the snow.

I turn around and rush towards where the rest of the Voltaris were gathered. ' Almrak!'


Almrak places his hand on Tygren's right arm, and starts using his Supporium Song.

' What happened?' I ask.

' I found a Mendoris alone in the outskirts of Mendoria, made her an easy target. I could've killed her, but another Mendoris came. When I'm ready to fight again, I'm going to kill them both myself!'

' Well, that wouldn't take too long,' Almrak releases his hand. ' It isn't really bad.'

We jump as we hear footsteps approaching. We turn around and see Ingressus standing in the doorway.
' What is going on here?'

All three of us are too afraid to answer.

' What's going on here?' Ingressus repeats his question, slightly louder this time.

' Tygren got injured,' I say.

Ingressus doesn't say anything, and stands in place. After none of us say anything further, he walks away.

We all let out a sigh of relief.


' Senn.'

I was walking back to my room, but Ingressus called me.

I turn around to face him. ' What?'

' I've found the Ender portal.'

' Uh-huh.'

' The Prime Songs are in the End, with the Enderknights. I heard "you" from this place, whatever this place is, are friends with the Enderqueen.'

' And...?'

' I'm tasking you to find exactly where the Prime Songs are. After that, we can infiltrate the End and get our hands on them easily.'

I think for a moment. I don't even know what this other "Senn" is like, he and I could be very different people. If I get caught...

' Senn, are you listening?!'

' Yes, yes! I'll try.'

' Don't try. Do it.'

' Okay, I'll do it...'

' Good.' Ingressus turns and leaves.

/A/N/ I know, Thalleous' sword's enchantment was still blue after Tygren took it, but Tygren only had it for 8 months, Senn has had it for 50 years, so the enchantment has started turning from blue to red.

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