Elion Sendaris

372 8 16

Nalla's p.o.v

' Elion!'

Elion turns around. ' You're late today, Nalla.'

' Yeah, yeah, whatever...' I roll my eyes. ' So, ready for practice?'

' I am, what about you?'

I draw out my diamond sword.
' Perfectly ready.'

He also draws out his diamond sword.

Ardoni our skill level usually use iron weapons, but thank my father for being a blacksmith. He made me my sword. I don't know where Elion got his from, but someone like him will surely get an awesome sword early.

' Now, now, you sure you guys don't want to use wooden swords, like how we usually do in training?' a familiar voice breaks in.

' Mother!' Elion turn around.

I nod my head. ' Ky' Ria.'

Ria holds out two wooden swords.
' Here, I have some wooden swords if you want them.'

I groan. ' Where's the fun in that? Using our own swords seems more fun.'

But I already know we're not using our fancy diamond weapons today. Elion always listens to his mother, and when he does, I got to follow by her rules as well.

' Sure, we'll use these instead.' As expected, he sheathes his diamond sword and takes the two wooden ones from Ria.

I groan again as I sheathe my sword as well. Elion tosses me one of the two wooden sword.

' Alright then, I have matters to attend to. See you both later.'

Ria waves to us before walking off.

I glare at Elion.

He notices and shrugs. ' What?'

I ignore him and twirl the wooden sword around. It's really light compared to my own, and I'm not used to it.

' Well... Still ready?'

' As ready as I'll ever be.' I raise the sword up to a challenging position.


We circle around the area, locking eyes on each other. I wait patiently for Elion to strike.

He darts forward and swings his sword at me. I block it with the wooden sword, and kick him backwards.

' Every time...' he grumbles.

I grin.

He attacks again, and I block it once more. After I block a couple more hits, he pushes forward, and I raise the wooden sword to hold him off.

He tries to push me back, but I don't back down. He loosens a little, and I lift my leg before kicking him back.

' And I win again.'

' Come on, go easy on me.'

' Then it wouldn't be any fun.'

I attack first this time, and he slips to the side to evade my wooden sword. He swings his wooden sword at me, and I duck before rising, and clash my wooden sword with his.


I lean on a tree, stroking my diamond sword. Elion sits on the dirt.

' Come on, sit with me.' Elion gestures for me to go over.

I shake my head. ' Nah, I'm good.'

' The sunset looks better when you're sitting.'

' It looks the same to me,' I look up. The blue sky had turned bright with the color red. The clouds move slowly by the wind, which blows my hair onto my face.

I pull down my hair from my face. The wind could be annoying sometimes.

' I had fun today,' Elion starts a conversation, as he usually does.

' Well, I didn't really enjoy using wooden swords. They are a little to light for my taste.'

' They're not that bad.'

' They are.'

' Well, you can't really say no to my mother, can you?'

' Maybe we can.'

' We can't.'

' We never really tried before.'

' Well, maybe you can try next week.'

' What if she doesn't show up?'

' Then I'll ask her to.'

' Don't.'

' Why?'

' She'll probably ask us to use wooden swords again.'

' They're not that bad.'

' They don't give the feeling that a diamond sword does.'

' Well, we're not really supposed to have diamond swords yet.'

' Well, iron swords are better than wooden ones too.'

' How do you know? You've never had one before.'

' Neither have you.'

' Well, I didn't say anything about it.'

' Neither did I.'

' You totally did.'

' Did I?'

He nudges my feet.

' Whatever. I have to go back to Kaltaria. Got to reach home before night falls or I'll be blind in the dark.'

' We don't exactly end up in the dark...'

' Still, it's pretty dark. I can't see anything when night falls.' I turn to leave.

' See you next week, Nalla!' he waves.

I wave back once, and then head to the stables.

Elion's p.o.v

I watch as Nalla leaves. I then look back to the sky and sigh.

When will I tell her?

Certainly not today, that's for sure.

I've always seen Nalla as more than a friend, but I don't know whether she feels the same.

I'll probably tell her next week.

That's what I always tell myself.

I groan, frustrated at myself.

I'll probably never tell her. We'll just be friends, and that's better than nothing.

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