New Voltaria

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Senn's ( OD ) p.o.v

I hear someone talking. Was I being followed?

I turn to the trees. There was a campfire, must just be some travellers or some sort.

I continue walking. I can't get distracted. I head into Voltaria, or New Voltaria, that's what they call it.
No one was out, which isn't surprising considering it's late in the night.

I stop. I don't know where to go. This place has totally changed. It was full of plant life, and kind of beautiful if I'm being honest.

Voltaria was destroyed years ago, turned into a barren landscape. Pretty much all of Ardonia was, ever since the war between Ingressus and Pythus broke out. The only place that could provide vegetation was the Heart of Ardonia.

I sigh. This reminded me of Sendaria. Sendaria was as bad as Voltaria, totally no plant life, all just dead trees, dried grass...

I miss Sendaria... I miss... Home...

I swing my wooden sword at Thalleous, and manage to hit him.

' Good, Senn, good!'

He then clashes his wooden sword with mine, and pushes me back. I land on the dirt. ' But not good enough.'

' Come on, back on your feet.'

Thalleous holds out his hand. I grab it, and he helps me up.

' I have something for you, Senn.'

I look up at him, excited. ' What is it?'

Thalleous reaches into his inventory, and pulls out a Protisium Song.

' A Song?'

' I think you are finally ready to wield one.'

I take it. ' Will you teach me how to use it?'

' Galleous will, he's better in the Songs department.'

' Does that mean, we're not training anymore?'

' Senn, I have matters to attend to. The Voltaris have almost taken over all of Ardonia, and I have an ally who may help.'

' Who is it?'

' Pythus, he's a skilled fighter, and King of the Nether. With both the Nether and End on our side, we may have a chance of defeating the Deathsinger.'

' I want to help as well!'

' You're still too young, Senn. When you're older, I will consider it.'

I look down at the grass. I wish I could help, even a little bit.

' Master Senn!'

I snap back to reality and turn around. ' Ye-yes?'

A Voltaris walks up to me.

Oh, crap.

' What are you doing up so late, Master Senn?'

I put my hands behind my head as I think of something. ' I-I... Uh... Can't sleep...?'

' Me neither...' He sits on a rock. ' Is something bothering you, Master Senn?'

I shake my head. ' No... Not really...'

' Is it the Voltaris attack?'

Wait, does everyone know about Tygren? Because so far he's the only one who had the nerve to walk up to someone.

Ingressus wanted us to stay low, and now even a random kid I run into knows about Tygren!

' Master Senn?'

I break out of my thoughts. ' Uh... Maybe...?'

The kid is silent for a moment. ' You're acting differently tonight, Master Senn...'

' Am I?'

' Kind of...'

I feel sweat drip from my forehead.  Am "I" close to him? What would "I" say to him in situations like this?

I bury my head in my hands and groan in frustration.

' Umm... I... Should go...' he gets up and walks off.

Oh, great! I'm not doing a very good job at this...

' And I think you forgot your staff!' he calls out.

I totally forgot about that part! "I" am the master of the Voltaris clan, so I should have Voltar on me...

Great... Just great...

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