Chapter One - Divide and Conquer

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    "You know, Cinderblock, normally the bad guys break out of jail," a high pitched voice states matter-of-factly from beside me. I grin in its owners general direction, even though it's too dark for any of us to see.

    "And I can think of six good reasons why you don't want to break in," a second voice counters as its owner gets ready to jump through the opening. "One!" Robin, a black haired, masked vigilante, jumps in front of Cinderblock.

    Starfire, an alien girl with shining red hair, is the next to jump. "Two!" she says, landing to Robin's right.

    Beast Boy's green skin is illuminated by the ceiling light, and he turns into a green tiger to jump through, hastily resuming human form on the ground. "Three!" his voice, still high pitched, calls from beside Starfire.

    A cloaked half demon floats down, fists clenched. "Four!" the girl under the cloak, Raven, says, her cloak settling behind her.

    Cyborg, a bulky half robot, jumps down next, as I move to where he was and get ready. "Five!" he exclaims, standing in between Raven and Robin.

    I grin and jump down in between Cyborg and Robin, my hair flying above me. "Six!" I conclude, my fists socked together, knees positioned, ready to fight.

    "No matter how you do the math, it all adds up to you going down." Robin stares the villain down before continuing. "So, are you going to go quietly..."

    "...or is this going to get loud?" Cyborg finishes, and I watch as the villain, Cinderblock, gets angrier and angrier. He lets out a battle cry as he raises his arms and charges at us.

    "Titans! Go!" Robin shouts, and we all charge at the villain at hand. Raven, Beast Boy and Starfire take to the skies, whilst Robin, Cyborg and I stay on the ground.

    Robin jumps up and kicks Cinderblock in the face whilst Starfire prepares a starbolt. Her eyes glow their signature green as she extends both hands to shoot. The starbolts hit him in the back and he stumbles forward in a frenzy. Cyborg goes in with his right hand ready to punch, whilst Beast Boy runs at him in eagle form, sending him towards Raven. She lifts up part of the ground and uses it as a shield against his fall.

    I run past Raven and kick Cinderblock in the chest, causing him to fall back on the ground briefly. Robin and Cyborg run side by side at him but get thrown back. Starfire aims another starbolt but misses, and Cinderblock takes the opportunity to grab her by both arms.

    "I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am stronger than I look," Starfire says sweetly, her eyes turning green again. She readies herself and raises her knee to kick him in the chest. She completes the action and escapes from his grip with ease.

    Beast Boy swoops in again, turning to a dinosaur once he reaches the ground. He backs up and charges, but the villain knocks him back with one punch to his head.

    "Azarath, Metrion—" Raven begins, before gasping as Beast Boy's shadow falls on her, the silhouette turning into that of a human before reaching the ground.

    Beast Boy gives a light chuckle. "Heh... watch out for falling dinosaurs?" Raven turns away from him and blows her hair aside pointedly, causing Beast Boy to straighten up. "I'm going to leave you alone now." He runs out of the way as Cinderblock approaches, and Robin jumps onto the concreted villain, groaning as he struggles to hold on. I take the time to run for the villain's legs.

    "Thrashing only makes me hold tighter!" Robin tells the brute as he pulls back a bar to hit him with.

    "Robin!" I call. "Watch out!" Robin heeds my warning and moves out of the way before Cinderblock brings down the bar.

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