College projects (Todoroki x reader)✅

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"Babe? Babeee! BABE!?!" You called out from your room.

"Yes, Baby?" He called out from the living room. You crawl out of bed and find him. When you see him you can walk to where he is, crouching down near him.

"Why are you not in bed at this ungodly hour?" Curiously you observe him. His bi-colored eyes focused on the screen. They were bloodshot as if he'd been up all night. Knowing him, he probably was.

"Well, we're in college and I have a project to finish." He spoke sarcastically stating the obvious.

I sigh at Shoto's response not knowing what else I could do, It's Saturday, it's due on Monday. Let's go to sleep." He looked up at me then looked backs down returning his focus to the project. It was clear what he was thinking, work now free time later.

"No can do, but I can make it up to you with breakfast in bed." He chuckled, typing as he spoke.

"Hmm, Tempting...but I'm not letting it slide." You smiled at him. Then sitting down next to him studying what he had done. It was an English assignment. As a hero you usually needed to speak more than one language depending on the agency. The one that he wanted to work for required one or more other languages.

"Why don't you go back to sleep? I mean it's two in the morning." Todoroki said as he continued too preoccupied with his quick typing to look at me. It was funny how he told me to go to sleep because of the time, meanwhile he was sitting at a computer typing out an essay.

"No, you need sleep." Taking charge and not letting him refused the help, determination filled my head because I had one goal in mind. I wanted to be in bed cuddling with my boyfriend comfortably and he couldn't do that if he's working on an essay. "I'll help you with the project. What needs to be done?" I asked.

"Aww, cute you want to help." I was looking at him in the eyes. Practically burning through his soul. In the end my intimidation worked well to get him to take me seriously, "Fine, ok I get it. I just need to finish typing this paper and edit it."

    "Bet." As he wrote I read, edited and revised his paper. Later on I couldn't sit up anymore I decide to rest my head down on his shoulder as I read. Sitting there in deep thought I ask, why on earth would college professors give us projects like this?

They wanted you to write a five page essay, in a language that you didn't grow up speaking then present it as a speech. At the same time they didn't want to sit there and read all those projects so they say if it's over six they won't even look at it.

It took forever. We didn't finish until six thirty in the morning. Todoroki shut off his computer as we both got up and headed to bed. Within a few minutes of getting in bed the two of us fell asleep. We were so tired. Our eyes were so dry that they made a noise when we blinked and they were so tired from staring at the screen that they were bloodshot. I thought that if we had to look at the computer for any longer we might have just ruined our eyesight.

Five hours later after falling asleep Shoto got up and headed to the kitchen. All he needed was five hours of sleep and her felt refreshed, unlike him I was the opposite. I needed at least seven to function eight if I wanted to function well.

He made pancakes, bacon, and eggs. After he ate he put some on a tray and brought it upstairs for me. When he got up there he showered me in kisses to wake me up. Softly my eyes fluttered open because of the warm lips on my face. I woke up to the masterpiece that he presented me, breakfast in bed.

"Good morning Baby." His voice was soft and low. Sweeter than any voice I heard before, it calmed my heart making me feel something like euphoria.

"Good morning, Babe." I responded groggily. Though I was tired butterflies danced in my stomach.

"I made you breakfast." He said smiling.

"Thank you. But I thought I said no breakfast." I looked at him smiling as I sat up.

"Well, you helped me all morning, so you deserve it."

"Ok." You simply agreed. There was no arguing with the truth. You did hell and you were very hungry. Now you remember why you got up. It was for something to eat because you woke up hungry. You ate your breakfast and went to wash the plates. After you both crawled into bed and went back to sleep for the rest of the day. The two of you woke up early Sunday morning at five am and went about your days
     So this is a book of one shots. I just wanted to let you know I will post about once or twice a month but there will be multiple one shots added. 
I hope you like it. But for now I'm starting you off with six . And we'll see how it goes from there.  Thank you, have a nice day.

             The Author シ

A/n 2: I'm editing so yay!

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