Chapter 1: The Silent River

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Roses began to bloom in the garden of the palace on the start of a spring day. The sun kissed the kingdom of the Joseon Dynasty that early morning as the townsfolk began to walk out of their homes and head out for work while others went out to sell or buy from the nearby town's market. The kingdom was at its highest, food stock flourished, materials were imported from the north peacefully, and territory expanded. The population of the kingdom grew and there were new recruits for the palace guards to stand and protect the people. The early kingdom of Koreaㅡwithin the Joseon Dynastyㅡ was thriving and the early morning consisted of omegas heading out to the lake to wash and carefully stitch fabrics for their alphas.

On the rise of this early spring morning, guards marched down the aisle of the palace to their scheduled post by the gates of the closed land. At the break of the early morning where the sun was only shining it's bright sun rays over mountains afar, omegas, betas, and alphas scattered along the towns in morning chats. Some even negotiated the prices on the fresh catch of the early morning. Halcyon sounds of children giggling and shouting seemed to bleed into the palace and echo into the royal halls where a single alpha ruled early Korea within the Joseon dynasty.

There he was, standing by the window with his bright and royal silk robe already fastened against his skin by his squared metal belt; five golden lines wrapped around it, a jade stone hung at the center, and golden buckles sat above it. The king kept his long black hair tied into a top knot, hiding underneath his crown (an ikseongwan) and his matching headband to keep his hair from falling out (a manggeon). The black crown had dark braids as decoration along the side with small wings sitting at the very top and to tie in the look, he wandered around his throne room with his royal red boots with golden designs embroidered onto it.

This was King Jeon Jungkook of the Joseon dynasty; a wise and silent alpha who tended to his people and held everyone together. The king was at a state of calm that early morning; whispers of the early breeze brushed his pale skin while nothing fled from his pouty lips. His eyes gleamed with a brown like bronze with a hint of golden specs by his pupils and a little mole hiding underneath his slim nose. Life for this daring alpha was bound to be easy with his looks that could easily please angels alike.

On the other hand, Jeon Jungkook was a lonely king. At the time, his people didn't mind him having an absent omega since he recently took the throne, but it was expected for him to find someone very soon to carry the royal line. In fact, the king feared this deep down; finding someone to be his omega shouldn't be a hassle, but not being able to find the right one was terrifying. Love was just like walking on glass; take one wrong step in any direction, consequences were bound to ensue. Jungkook was only a naive king who slowly became desperate and yearned for touch from another living soul. Of course, it was only natural for him to feel this way, he was an Alpha; the dominant class above the Betas and Omegas who fell underneath.

Jungkook stood in his throne room and stretched before dropping back to his Phoenix throne with silence only clawing its way into his mind. His guard was silent and he didn't seem to speak a word until a frequent thought swarmed his mind. "Guard," he spoke, "It's such a beautiful day outside."

"Yes, my King. The mornings are always so delicate," replied the guard while standing still against the pillars to the throne room where the king was bound to.

"Maybe... If I was able to go to The Silent River again today, I believe it will make me the happiest," Jungkook suggested with the slightest smile that seemed to hint at something else.

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