Chapter 48: Gentle

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It was as if the omega's heart came to a stop. He looked up at the guard in disbelief and back at the scroll he held. Jimin knew he was going to be part of the selection; he feared seeing the king after a week of their argument and only wondered if Jungkook would choose another omega or force Jimin's hand right on the spot. The possibilities were endless and he worried the worst. Since this was the last group of the selection, Jimin had an ache in his heart thinking he would be forced to marry Jungkook when they still had yet to patch things up.

Jimin was just starting to love the king and he knew marrying Jungkook right on the spot wouldn't be a problem, but he felt as if it would be rushed. The issues he has within himself would erupt and the issue would start back to where they started. Jimin looked down at the ground silently as Yoongi tilted his head and caught onto Jimin's mixed scent that packed a powerful punch to his nose.

"Jimin... I suggest you visit the omega river before you attend the selection. The way you carry Jungkook's scent will give off the wrong idea to the royal court. It's bad enough that there are rumors within the palace that Jungkook has a secret concubine! These rumors began when you spent the night over with him and his rut as well."

"Rumors? Oh if it isn't one thing, it's another..." Jimin spoke softly and looked down at the ribbon latched onto his wrist. "Do I really give off the scent of him when I haven't seen him in a week?" asked the omega and watched Yoongi nod his head. "I don't know why I'm like this... I haven't been feeling like myself lately."

"No matter how you feel, you cannot escape the selection today. If it makes you feel any safer, I will escort you to the omega river and by there I can take you to the palace for the selection."

"The omega river..." Jimin whispered and let out a sigh. Lately, he wasn't feeling able to step outside of his own residence because of the overwhelming feelings he was already having. Jimin looked up at the guard and knew he had no other choice but to nod his head.

Of course, Yoongi knew something was going on with the omega. However, he lacked information about the health of omegas so, he was clueless to it all. Yoongi then raised his hand to the younger and patted his head gently before crouching down to look him in the eyes.

"Are you overwhelmed about Jungkook? it will be alright. I know he won't select you to marry on the spot. He wants to take time for himself and I know he wants that for you too. Your relationship with him is what's important to the King. Jungkook needs you but he will only want you if you want him too. He's making this easy for you, you don't have to worry about marriage for the day."

"Then, why do I have to go?"

"The royal court wants to see every omega attending the selection. If you don't show up, it would be such a shameful act. Let me guide you to the river and take you there after, it will be over before you know it. If you want, I'll set you to the back so the two of you wouldn't have to meet face to face. I want you two to take it easy. That's what this relationship needs."

For the longest, Jimin was always annoyed by the head guard. He was so sure that Yoongi fed Jungkook with the wrong information, but in reality, it was the way Jungkook took the information and ran with it. Jungkook alone turned the advice he was given into another problem for himself. Jimin on the other hand, now realized how much Jungkook truly needed the guard. The older alpha was another eye for the king in case he needed guidance. It was just Jungkook from taking the guidance as something else. But alas, every hint didn't come with a straightforward answer. What the guard supplied him with, were hints to an answer that the king had to come up with himself.

Eventually, Jimin agreed to leave with the alpha to the omega river. There he was escorted safely as he carried only his best hanbok to attend the selection. Many omegas were dolled up for this occasion in hopes that their looks will impress the king for sure, but they were destined for failure at the end of the day. Jungkook only found Jimin as the only omega he would ever find as beautiful as a swan. Jimin was the king's swan; how could he ever associate that word with someone other than him? It was a crime if he would ever think in such a way.

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