Chapter 35: To Love

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       The full moon was at its highest now. The moonlight rained over the land and it's gleam beamed into the king's room as well. Leaving the darkness running far with the amount of luminance from the moon. The couple laid together over the bed in silence as they listened to the beat of their hearts communicating throughout the noise of stillness.

       Jimin's face always seemed to be buried in the king's neck, inhaling his strong fragrance and soothing any leftover sores Jimin felt after the intercourse as if the king himself was his own medicine.

      "Jimin, will you stay with me for the night?" Jungkook asked and pointed Jimin's chin to face him in the dimly lit room. "Can I wake up to your beautiful gaze, watching it look around innocently like a child in the early morning?" Jungkook asked and watched Jimin's plump lips curve into a big smile before he let out a cute giggle just erupting from his mouth.

       "It will be difficult to escape in the morning with your constant selections taking place. That dream of yours, wishing to wake up and see me by your side will have to wait," Jimin whispered and sat up. But just then, the king pulled his omega back onto his chest to keep him there longer. "Jungkook-!"

       "Don't go... please, I want you to stay longer," Jungkook whispered and cupped Jimin's face; having Jimin's soft and pink tinted cheeks underneath his palms. "This is torture for me... it hurts me more knowing that you aren't around to make me smile. I despise seeing all of these omegas trying to take your spot in my heart when none of them can compare! Jimin, please stay longer..."

       "You know I can't. It gets difficult to sneak in and even far more difficult to leave. It's like a puzzle with so much, I can't afford to make one mistake," Jimin whispered and looked into his alpha's beautifully rounded eyes. His eyes carried diamonds, precious jewels and ancient treasures all in one blink; treasures that carried true beauty that Jimin felt so entranced in.

       "I guess I have to learn how to be patient with you, will I ever see you tomorrow morning? I don't want to wait just to see you a few more days after, I want to see you every morning but-"

      "The selection, I know..." Jimin whispered and let out a chuckle. "I know you can pull through with this. Think of it as learning to be patient," Jimin assured but the king only looked out the window to where the moonlight beamed.

      "That's the only thing I don't have... patience. I rush so much, even the relationship I had when I was a prince. I trusted someone with all my heart, and gave him my world when he never thought of me on his own. After, I grew so desperate, so lonely, so impatient..." Jungkook continued until he felt Jimin's hand run along his cheek softly. It was a soothing call to him, caressing him and showing him only gentle colors of the world through Jimin's gaze.

      "You'll learn patience brings happiness. But you can't rush it, you have to learn it on your own. That's the only way you'll understand it clearly. If you rush, you'll only learn to hear the word, but if you take the time to understand it, you'll learn so much more than just the word," Jimin assured and smiled at the king. "Such a young and naive king, yearning for guidance from a swan..."

       "My one and only," Jungkook added on. He listened to Jimin's words and tried to take patience in studying it and understanding it, but every broken part of him turned away from it. Refusing to take it in for more than a second. On the other hand, he looked down to his omega and knew he had to adapt to patience. Jimin alone taught him to see the world differently and there was no way Jungkook planned on pulling away from such a lovely feeling it truly was. "How did you learn to be patient?"

      "Patience... I learned from it through my omega training. When I was first matched with an alpha through the matchmaker, I lived with my future in-laws when I was just fourteen, until the day of my planned marriage. They taught me to be patient with my alpha... they showed me how to stitch beautiful flowers into fabrics and if I rushed, I would be punished for a poorly stitched blanket. It was the same for when it was time to eat, I couldn't eat until I was allowed by my matched alpha. He was cruel... It was like I was a servant, taught to be patient when speaking, eating, stitching, and talking when I'm spoken to by my alpha," Jimin confessed and let out a giggle. "I hated the feeling! Treated like I was at the bottom while the alphas were right at the top. Even if it was true, I learned so early that I wasn't going to be taken so lightly. That's when my happiness came in."

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