Chapter 4: My Muse

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   At dawn, the sun began to rise; rays beamed over the early land, gracing the flowers with light, birds chirped alongside wind chimes and the wind was just as calm as the day before. Jungkook laid awake on his white bed, gliding his hand alongside the spot right by his side that was always left bare. For as long as he can remember, there was never a waking moment when Jungkook wouldn't look at the bed differently.

     "What does it give to have a King with two pillows, when he only uses one?" Jungkook questioned.

    The King tended to talk to himself every morning as if there was another vessel sitting by his side to hear his whispers and second doubts. Jeon Jungkook was so young, but he felt as if he didn't need to be old enough to understand what it means to be lonely. His bed had two pillows, however, he only needed one from the very beginning. Just as the thought of being lonely began to fill his mind that very morning, Jungkook suddenly remembered the promise he still had yet to fulfill.

     "Jimin... Park Jimin," The very thought of seeing the omega seemed to deepen into his mind until the thought of being lonely, vanished within seconds. The King stood up, adjusting a silk robe over his body before taking a quick glance over to his painting supplies. "I'll be there soon, Jimin. I believe I could skip my first meal just for today," The King whispered with a slight smirk, "Just for today."

     Concurrently, Jimin stood in front of a mirror; standing perfectly still with his chin pointed upwards. His family servant brushed and styled his long and silk hair into the usual hair braid with the ribbon tied at the end. Jimin always hated the style of his hair, showing himself off as a pure and unmarried omega as if that was the only thing special about him. Yet, he did adore the most stunning teal brooch sitting over his black strands to match the bright, blue ribbon to his hanbok. As the omega stood in silence, he was given a cup of tea with a porcelain plate underneath it to serve his father within his chambers.

     This was his omega home training and getting through the last session was always the hardest. Jimin fixed his posture and held nothing but silence to his perfect complexion to serve his father. At home, Jimin was trained to be the perfect omega to his alpha, however, he could never keep an engagement due to his rebellious demeanor that would drive the alphas insane. Jimin was independent, but no one seemed to love that side of him.

     It was this part of the training that would drive him crazy, he had to serve his father tea and take what his father gave him. Normally, Jimin had the most respect for his father, but when it came to his negative feedback on what he lacks to become the 'perfect omega', it tended to make Jimin grow red in the early morning. As soon as Jimin received the signal from his servant to walk in, he stepped into the sleeping chamber to serve the tea.

     "Good morning, my son," The Minister greeted the omega.

     "Good morning, Father. I hope you slept well."

     "I did, thank you. I have great news for you," he announced. The wrinkles on his face curved into a smile while he adjusted the strap under his chin; holding the long cap sitting over his head. "Please, sit."

     Jimin set the tea in front of his father and carefully sat down on a cushion in front of the low table. This was the part, this was the very moment that made Jimin fail his morning training, what came out his father's mouth next, was what dreaded the independent omega the most.

     "You did great, my son. However, you will no longer need to prove yourself to me from now on. You'll be such a great omega to your future alpha, I now have a fine suitor for you," announced the father. Within seconds, Jimin's heart sank and his hands began to tighten around his very own.

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