Chapter 14: Regret

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     The beautiful omega rushed home with every regret pulling him back by the hand. He was lost, confused, and scared. Just like a pup, Jimin didn't know what to do but to keep running until he reached home where familiarity beamed. Jimin wanted to stay with the king, he wanted to force himself to sit there and try to make this work without being afraid of the alpha, yet, it backfired and Jimin's fears got the best of him.

      "Why am I running away?" Jimin asked himself as he finally slowed down at the center of the village. "He is the same man as he was before, right?" The omega questioned his actions and finally looked around in the darkness swarming around him. "He was the King all along... How could I have been so blind? I knew he looked familiar, but why can't I treat him the same?"

      Just a few walks away from his house, the omega couldn't push himself forward. He was frozen in place with his thoughts confusing and stressing him over and over again. The boy then glued his hands against his head and let out an exhale in frustration. "I kissed him... I'm engaged and I could have been seen kissing the King! If that isn't something to fear, I don't know what is. My reputation would be nothing but a role of a concubine! I could never marry."

     Once Jimin hissed to himself in his head, he then recalled the moment he kissed the king for the first time and his mind wandered off to when they kissed once again at the river. "But... we kissed... a-and I didn't treat him differently during that," Jimin said. The pale boy could recall every moment, every breath they shared and every rhythm to his beating heart. "Maybe I shouldn't push him away, we've always worked through any situation, I need him..."

     Right when the omega thought about returning to the king, he suddenly stopped once more and caught onto a stray feeling that struck him like an arrow. Abruptly, Jimin's petite body grew warm to the point where his face lit up. It was a sudden warning that shot through his blood that was enough to alarm his thoughts. This was nothing normal to him.

     "I c-can't let Jungkook see me like this. I-I have to go home," Jimin finally whispered to himself out loud. He cautiously looked around before rushing home right after. At that moment, Jimin knew he was feeling something different. His heart raced in a different direction and his face grew red for a brief moment. Yet, he couldn't tell what this foreign feeling meant to him.

     As soon as Jimin arrived at the house, his eyes scanned the room once his heart reached a normal rate. The heat of his face dropped right after and his tensed shoulders released at ease. The omega then pressed his hand against the wall and exhaled as he caught onto his breath for a moment.

      "W-What... What's happening to me?" Jimin panted and as he pressed his head against the cold, stone, wall, he suddenly heard footsteps up ahead. Right off the bat, Jimin could tell who it was. He caught onto his father's scent and closed his eyes tightly; already knowing what storm lay ahead.

      "Father... Please.." Jimin whispered and looked at the ground as his father only crossed his arms at the sight of his son at the entry. 

      "Where were you?!" Mr. Park shouted in worry but even that too was tainted by anger.

     "I was at Taehyung's residence. I-"

     "Stop making excuses for yourself, Jimin. Not even your brother could cover for you," the minister argued into a tone as silent as the mice. The father then looked away in disappointment towards the omega. "You are to never leave this house, do you understand me? You are an omega, an engaged omega at that! Do you ever stop and think of what's best for your family? You are so selfish!"

    "S-Selfish? Do you even hear yourself? I-"

    "No arguing. You listen to me and you keep quiet," with that, Jimin closed his mouth and had to endure his own blood boiling within his own skin. Yet, he just thought it was off how his father seemed less upset than usual. Something felt off in the sound of his father's words. Almost as if he was doing this on purpose.

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