Chapter 9: Stay

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      The omega sat as silence guided a finger over his plump lips. He ignored most of Namjoon's words and brushed it off as the thought of seeing the young alpha, filled his mind. Jimin knew he couldn't stay away from Jungkook, so he didn't waste another second to see him. Taehyung watched the older omega stand up and adjust his long skirt before clearing his throat; interrupting Namjoon entirely.

      "Namjoon, you may think I am a stubborn omega, but, that's not true. I have my own thoughts, my own mind and mouth. I say what I want to say and I do what I want to do. Stop telling me what's not right. Hoseok is a nice man, but I don't want him. Deep down, I want to make myself happy and not do what others think just for the sake of pleasing them. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be right now," Jimin protested and turned away to face the entry of the small home.

       "Jimin," Namjoon spoke up and broke the silence afterwards. "I don't want you to think I hate your way of words, I'm only-"

        "-trying to tell me the reality of things, I know. You don't have to repeat yourself to me anymore. This time, I do what I please, it's my life and no one owns me. I want to please no one but myself."

      Jimin then walked out of the house with those words only playing over and over in Namjoon's head. The stubborn omega was done with being told what he was doing wasn't right, but deep down, Jimin was far from being able to stop. He adored the feeling he had with someone new and even if it wasn't meant to be, he still chased after it as if it was a forbidden treasure that would end up plucking the feathers of the swan; losing all of its innocence and purity along the way. But, gaining true euphoria at the idea of following his own happiness.

      At the time, Jungkook stood at the silent river, gazing out into the variety of clouds that soared above him. He carried his supplies within a woven crate held by a rope thrown over his shoulders. The weather was warm; almost like the wind died down from blowing through the strands of his black hair, the grass stood still and the sun hid behind a wide cloud. The alpha embraced nature as Jimin's detailed words always seemed to echo in his head and make him fall in love with the scenery around him.

     "So this is how it feels... To finally see how beautiful the world really is around me, to finally look around and embrace every whisper of the river, all because of Jimin," whispered Jungkook. As the young alpha turned his head to follow along the river's calm current, he made a smile and tilted his head. "A swan... A swan would truly make this river peaceful."

      While the alpha continued to ponder to himself for a minute, he was suddenly blinded by small, gentle, and soft hands blocking his eyes from the view. With one careful inhale, Jungkook just knew it was none other than Park Jimin. The alpha smiled and let out only a gentle laugh at the warm feeling of Jimin's small hands touching his face to cover his eyes.

     "You're bad at this, Jimin. I can easily sense you. My senses can depict yours if you stand close enough."

      "Ah, I expected your senses to be ruined completely for spending that much time at the omega river!" Jimin replied and didn't refrain from blinding Jungkook with his pale hands.

      "Will you remove your hands, please?"

       "No... I want you to listen. You observe too much, but you never listen to the world around you. This is also something an artist should get used to! Don't paint what you see, paint what you hear and feel."

     Jungkook understood what Jimin was hinting at; the sound of nature seemed to intrigue the alpha once more as a smile never seemed to fade from his daring face. It only felt as if Jungkook wanted to listen, but he couldn't focus when Jimin's intriguing scent blocked everything from his mind. Jungkook just couldn't ignore his true muse.

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