Chapter 43: Is This Love?

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   "O-Of course, Jungkook!" Jimin sputtered and fixed his eyes over the alpha's bandaged wounds. Jimin couldn't help but to feel the pain in his chest each time his alpha experienced it as well. It was part of their bond, any physical pain someone felt, the other would feel it as well. "Jungkook... are you okay? You don't look well..."

As Jimin gazed upon the mentally exhausted king, he slowly made his way over to his alpha when the king instantly looked up and pierced his terrifying glare at the older omega. Staring into his eyes as if he tried to let the windows to his soul tell his story, but he knew it was best to communicate instead. Jimin stood in place as the alpha's glare only stopped him from stepping forward.

"I haven't been well at all... Jimin, what are you doing to me..?" Jungkook spoke softly and fixed his gleaming eyes over Jimin's worried face. "What are you doing to me?!" Jungkook repeated a bit louder and watched Jimin flinch once the tone of his voice raised.


"I don't know what I'm doing anymore... every breath I take, I feel a sharp pain in my wound and I just don't know what it is anymore. At this point, I know it can't be the arrow... my wounds have been bleeding way before the incident. Every morning it's a challenge to get up and have my servants dress me when my breathing is always off! It feels... it feels as if I'm dying, Jimin. I'm dying on the inside and I can't allow myself to sit back and watch this happen!" Jungkook whispered and raised his right hand to cover his sore eyes. "Everything hurts... I didn't want to show you this side of me, but now I know I can't hide it anymore," Jungkook continued as he then looked over to his silent omega. "Park Jimin... why don't you have an answer for me yet?"

"An answer... an answer on when to marry you? Jungkook, it's my decision... you told me. You promised me..."

"Jimin, I can't be patient and wait any longer. I can't be patient when it could have killed me! Do you expect me to wait forever? To come back to the river and risk getting shot once again?" Jungkook asked and pulled his hand away from his face where his teary gaze locked onto Jimin. "Jimin, I can't follow you if you don't tell me where we're going..."

"Jungkook, of course I want to marry you but now isn't the time to bring that up. I-I need more time... it's too much for me to process-

"W-what?" Jungkook asked as his shaky breathing only tended to increase. "More time? Then, when is the right time, Jimin? When?" Jungkook questioned the omega and sat up to look at his swan from across his throne. "Tell me when so it wouldn't kill me every night I lay awake wondering."

"I don't know..."

"What was that?"

"I SAID I DON'T KNOW!" Cried the omega. With the sound of Jimin's voice echoing through the walls of the throne room, he dropped into his knees and gripped tightly onto his long skirt. "I don't know... I want to marry you Jungkook, but I don't want to marry you now...T-To rule beside you, it's so much pressure! How could I drop my independent mindset to become king with you?"

"Jimin...?" Jungkook asked and began to bare his fangs at the sight of the omega sitting over the ground. "So, you don't... want to marry me?"

"I do... but I don't want to right now. Jungkook, either way, it's my decision and-"

"Park Jimin..." Jungkook spoke once more and rose his hand over his wound and kept his glare locked onto his swan at the moment. "Why are you so stubborn...? How could you keep me waiting, you are to tell me what's on your mind, do you expect me to wait forever? I won't wait forever... patience has pushed me closer to death than I was before," Jungkook hissed. He finally stood up to stare at the omega as his hand slid down his bandaged chest. Instantly, every step he took forward, kept Jimin frozen in place.

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