Chapter 37: A Crimson Hue

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Jungkook's world went pitch black. He could only hear the sounds of his uneven breathing and the cries of his guard trying to assure him everything would be fine. In the king's head, he only focused on the image of Jimin laying over his chest as the moon beamed over their pale skins that beautiful night. If only, Jungkook longed to take back that moment just to relive it once more.

Yoongi raced through the town, catching a few stares as the blood began to stain his own silk uniform. However, the guard couldn't care less at the moment and only held back tears that threatened to fall at every heavy wheeze the injured king gave.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you'll be okay!" Yoongi huffed and continued racing until his eyes met with the palace up ahead. "I-I can't take you to the doctor, he's too far and the palace is finally closer! The doctor will have to meet you there!" Yoongi shouted and rather hoped Jungkook would hear him.

Once the guard reached the palace, he removed the hat Jungkook wore and stepped in to alert the servants and the eunuchs. By there, word was discreetly carried to the doctor, but only kept as a secret so the people wouldn't fear losing their young king. Once Jungkook was set onto his bed, he was placed sideways so the arrow wouldn't move any further into his body. Anxiety travelled around the palace until the doctor was finally notified at the marketplace.

During this time, Jimin was sitting with Taehyung outside the house spending mornings together like ay other day. Jimin looked at the tinted nails of his best friend and let out a smile at the beautiful pink color that reminded him of spring.

"Namjoon did a great job with your nail tint! I hope it'll last until the first snowfall," Jimin spoke softly, unaware of what was happening to his alpha. As the omega sat there, he rolled the sleeves to his pink upper coat and inhaled the king's ribbon he had wrapped around his wrist in case he began to feel pain over his mating mark.

"I'm not sure if it would last that long," Taehyung replied with a chuckle as he looked at Jimin, tightening the king's ribbon over his wrist. "He must be very lucky to have you."

"We are lucky to have each other," Jimin mentioned and finally rolled the sleeve of his coat to hide the ribbon. "I need to see him, I didn't want to go too early since he could have slept in. I guess now is the right time to go see him," Jimin added with a smile and stood up.

"A true king... I could tell the ribbon looks very expensive, silk and royal red," Taehyung said before he stood up. "When will you have an answer for him?"

"I don't really know when, I want us to take our time. He will be rushed to choose an omega, but he won't ever decide on one. He will wait on me," Jimin replied and looked up to notice that the skies were turning grey. "Today seemed like a beautiful day, I guess it won't be any longer."

"Then, you'll need to see him before the rain hits. I suggest you go now! He must be waiting for you," Taehyung added and as soon as Jimin began to walk, he noticed Doctor Kim rush quickly to the house.

"Good morning, Father. What's with the rush? Is there another emergency?" Taehyung asked. Following his father into the house while Jimin only tilted his head curiously before following in, believing Jungkook could wait a bit longer.

Sweat ran down the doctor's face as he quickly packed up a few of his kits to take with him. He heard his son speak to him, but he couldn't muster any words to reply. The doctor received news of the king's injury at the marketplace secretly, and could only dare to drop everything and pack up a few things before making his trip to the palace.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked and stepped into the house where he too noticed how scared the doctor seemed.

"T-The K-King... he is badly injured but I can't speak of this to no one. It's a secret to the people. I need to tend to his wounds now!" Doctor Kim sputtered and dried the sweat forming over his forehead with the sleeve of his pale blue upper coat. "Don't tell anyone you've heard this from me!"

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