Chapter 21: Alone Together

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     Jimin arrived at the gates of the palace, his heart raced and pounded against his body like a herd of horses galloping through a field; each beating their hooves against the earth's soil repeatedly. The omega's gaze trembled at the sight of the guards and longed to back out of this so he wouldn't have to face any consequences. Yet, Jimin couldn't back down now since Yoongi noticed the beautiful omega from a mile away at the entry.

      Yoongi's eyes locked onto the innocent omega and could tell he was very wealthy by the expensive silk hanbok he was wrapped in all the time. By the way the sun beamed over Jimin's pale skin and how the wind brushed his silk strands aside, a voice in Yoongi's head alerted him that this omega was none other than the son of the powerful minister. Park Jimin was well known by the town as the most beautifully sculpted omega; an omega that had such ethereal beauty, those who hadn't seen it before, would find it difficult to pry their gaze away the first time he is seen.

      Yoongi humored those rumors and the king's words on how he described his partner, but the head guard couldn't help but to believe them once he found Jimin sticking out to him like a sore thumb.

       "It's Jimin... Jungkook's partner," Yoongi thought and watched the omega approach the entry little by little. Once Jimin stood before him, Yoongi smiled and watched Jimin bow before him seconds after. He was as breathtaking as Jungkook mentioned, there was no other omega that could compete with Jimin at all. This omega was a one of a kind being that had beauty embedded deep within his gleaming eyes.

     "Good afternoon, my name is Park Jimin, of the Park household," Jimin spoke and looked Yoongi in the eyes. "I am also, son of the Minister. Are you... the head guard?"

      "Min Yoongi, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Jimin. The King has said many good things about you," Yoongi whispered and stepped forward before looking around for other guards. "I will guide you to the royal bedroom, you are to remain behind closed doors until tomorrow at dawn. The selection is about to take place, we must be quick."

      "Thank you for doing this, I couldn't imagine what things would be like if you didn't help," Jimin replied gently like honey being drizzled onto a warm pastry; so soft and sweet. Yoongi smiled at the omega, revealing his fangs as he then turned around before walking off to a secluded path, leading Jimin to the royal bedroom.

      Jimin's innocent eyes fell over the great courtyard where a group of omegas stood for selection before the royal court. The courtyard was filled with servants and eunuchs to the point where the palace grew loud with silence along the stone walls. Every part of the palace struck excitement to the omega as he raced to the royal bedroom behind Yoongi. Hoping that his scent wouldn't be traced at all.

      After a few twists and turns through the palace, they arrived at the royal bedroom where Yoongi stood at the entry, pulling one of the sliding doors aside to allow Jimin in quickly. There, Jimin's eyes travelled inside before he could even take a step further to explore the breathtaking scenery.

       "Here, you will wait until the King is done with the selection. This won't take long since he always denies every group just for you. Keep quiet and I assure you no one will approach the room," Yoongi whispered and allowed the omega in the sleeping chamber.

       Jimin's eyes landed onto a wide bed fit for the king and his soulmate to rule alongside him. Only the best silk and finest cotton was embedded into the wide bed to give off a feeling of sleeping on the clouds. Jimin could already tell that a bed like this was too big for a lonely boy like Jungkook at such a young age. Once Jimin's gaze grew occupied by the beautiful room, Yoongi eventually stepped out and left Jimin alone.

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