Chapter 34: Once More~

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      The heart of the alpha raced and his hips began to move quicker inside Jimin. Even if all of the palace was asleep, the king himself was far from silent when he had Jimin over his hips, whimpering and moaning as he faced the ceiling from the endless pleasure that refrained him from moving his head down. The king thrusted upwards, feeling every inch of Jimin's wet walls as he pulled back and pushed in again. Going rough for the first time, but Jimin didn't mind it at all. He was well adjusted to his alpha that now, he wanted the king to move in and out of him swiftly.

        Like waves continuously crashing against the shore, there wasn't a moment when Jungkook's hips took a second to hesitate. His hard cock pleasured the omega by thrusting upwards enough for Jimin to feel like he was going insane. As Jungkook rushed his pace, he threw his head against Jimin's chest and let out a labored groan along the gentle creases to his omega's skin.

       "Ngh- Mh~" Jungkook growled, rolling his head up to face Jimin's mating mark before he began to lick along the sensitive dents to the omega's fragile skin. "J-Jimin..."

       "J-Jungkook! A-Ah~" Jimin whined from the sudden jolt of satisfaction racing from his mating mark the second Jungkook began to tease it once more. "A-Ah! Fuck.. J-Jungkook, y-you're driving me i-insane!," cried the omega. His petite hips began to tremble and his bottom lip started to quiver when it came to his alpha teasing him repeatedly.

       "Mmh- good..." Jungkook replied into a raspy growl, causing a shiver to run down Jimin's spine once he heard his alpha in such a teasing tone.

       Pre-cum ran down Jimin's slit and as he moved his hips within the same beat as the alpha, his breathing became unsteady and his fingers latched onto his alpha's firm back while Jungkook grinded roughly. Every thrust made it difficult for the omega to speak since his moans cut off every word he planned to say. The sudden rush bolted through their hot skins while the loud noises erupting from the two made it harder to avoid reaching their climax.

       "Mh- O-Oh Jung-Jungkook-Ah~" Jimin whined helplessly over the king. Jungkook knew he couldn't hold back from making Jimin moan endlessly when it came to picking his pace up inside the sensitive omega. The veins along the dominant's length began to pop out and make the omega come in contact with it each time it brushed through his innocent rim.

      Eventually, Jungkook laid back over the bed as his hips remained thrusting upwards. His hands tightly gripped onto Jimin's petite waist; guiding the smaller omega over him to keep the same pace from before. Wet slick slid from Jimin's entrance as the endless moans didn't stop from pouring out of Jimin's mouth. The bottom sat over the king and began to bounce his hips over Jungkook, grinding in sync as their skin slapped against each other and the squelching noises grew quicker every second Jungkook pummeled inside the omega.

      It was as if the room grew hotter by the second. The window to the room was left open, but not even the cool breeze was enough to ease the heat surrounding them. The moment fell close to a still minute, all the king wanted to do was remain there with his omega, thrusting into him, embracing him and kissing him. The feeling felt endless and there was no sign of Jungkook wanting to stop.

     The king kept his head pressed against the bed as his gaze was sealed shut. His groans erupted while his hips moved forward and slowly sunk down against the bed. Adoring every foreign sound that came from the alluring moment that was frozen in time. Jungkook's hands then slid down to squeeze Jimin's rear against the palms of his own hands, squeezing and kneading the omega's bottom as he felt himself slipping from the moment. Daring to cum inside Jimin again and doing so much more than stopping there.

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