Chapter 12: The Confession

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     "You what?!" Yoongi shouted out within the throne room as Jungkook paced around in fear. "You're finally going to confess? What have you done to the real King?" Yoongi chuckled in excitement as his eyes locked onto how anxious Jungkook seemed.

       The king paced around the throne room, nervously tapping his fingers against the side of his red silk hanbok. Jungkook just couldn't focus on what Yoongi was saying while he planned out his confession tonight.

      "Jungkook, you're doing the right thing," assured the guard. Yet, Jungkook only looked away and held his head into his shaky hands. "What are you afraid of?"

      "A lot of things, Yoongi. I fear a lot of things and now, it's coming together to kill me."

     "You're being overdramatic."

     "Is this being overdramatic, Yoongi?" Jungkook spoke and held his shaky hand out towards the guard. "I'm petrified; completely overwhelmed with terror! What if Jimin doesn't see me the same? What if he sees me as a king he needs to obey? I don't want him to treat me so differently, I want him to see us as equals but given by my title, that chance is slim."

      Jungkook then threw himself onto his throne, yet his hands resumed shaking at the thought. Could he really bring himself to confess? He knew he couldn't lie to Jimin now that their relationship has taken a different toll on their lives. Nothing was the same and now, Jimin expects an explanation at night.

      "What caused you to make up your mind? Why is tonight the night?" Yoongi questioned and stepped closer to the anxious king.

       "I... I-I kissed... I kissed him," Jungkook whispered and covered his mouth as he reminisced the warm moment from earlier. His face grew red as his mind travelled back to when he had Jimin underneath him like the dreams he would have. "One gentle kiss turned into something more. I couldn't put my finger on it, but he was slipping underneath and my fantasies took over. I wanted him so badly, his warm lips against mine and his body latching onto my own was enough to send shivers down my spine. He wanted more; he wanted love, but I couldn't bring myself to give him what he wanted. All because I didn't think it was right. He trusted me; someone who wasn't honest with him from the start."

       "You are doing the right thing, Jungkook. Telling him the truth will set you free."

       "It will set me free but, it can also fill me with regret. I wish this was simple, but the endless possibilities scare me. Jimin isn't just like any other omega, he's special. His scent means so much more to me and I know that has to mean something. It just has to."

      "You're right, it does mean something to you. If an omega's scent sticks out to you personally, it means so much more than a friendship. You could be soulmates for all we know. Is it wrong to say you're desperate now?"

     "From the very first moment I laid eyes on him, his scent stuck out to me for the longest. No wonder I couldn't get enough of him..." Jungkook contemplated how much Jimin's scent was significant to him. From the very beginning, his senses knew Jimin was truly the king's swan. "I'm not as desperate as I was before, if I was still desperate for Jimin, I would have had him underneath me longer, I would have loved him there but, I knew that wasn't right. He was swept up in the moment to even realize what he was doing."

      "You've sustained yourself well, Jungkook. You made the right choice and I hope you are able to pull through and see Jimin tonight. Don't hold back, Jimin needs to know the truth," Yoongi advised and smiled at the king. He was proud of the young alpha and couldn't imagine how relieved Jungkook would feel after this.

     "But one thing still haunts me, Yoongi."

     "And what is that?"

     "What happens after I confess who I am? Jimin is still engaged, what will he mean to me if I want him to be with me?"

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