Chapter 49: My Remedy

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Jungkook longed to kiss Jimin, his mouth caved open but he couldn't push himself to become so passionate at a time like this. He bit his lip and looked away as he continued to circulate around the omega. His presence was beginning to pull away but his body remained standing right by Jimin. This alone left the royal court to whisper and look at the king as he stood there longer.

"Jungkook, you idiot... get out of there!" Yoongi thought and kept his eyes locked onto the two. "How embarrassing..."

"How could I?" Jimin thought and felt as if they stood alone in the courtyard. "How could I put my needs before yours? How could I harm you like this? Look at you, standing next to me like you don't have a hole in your chest... it's all because you had patience and waited for my word... you were so fair. It's all my fault. I'm the reason why you were hurt and I was so blind to see that."

As Jimin stood silently, tears began to fall from his face. The king wished to dry them with gentle kisses, but he wasn't allowed to touch the omega unless he wanted an instant ceremonial wedding. Making the decision on his own wasn't going to help them at all. Through Jimin, he learned that too much power could make someone lose their mind and become greedy. The young king himself knew better than to let this repeat itself. So, he finally decided to walk away from Jimin. Not wanting to force his hand like he did before.

"Jungkook..." Jimin thought and began to feel dizzy from the headache that has been building up since the early morning. As soon as the king stepped away from him, the pain of his mating mark returned. With the way he became dizzy, the pain of his mark, and the torture of having Jungkook stand before him and say nothing, was enough to overwhelm the omega. Jimin was drowning in his own guilt.

Jungkook continued to walk forward as if he dragged his feet through quicksand. His body longed to be with his omega, his soul and his heart needed Jimin, but his mind needed clarity and healing before he could jump in so suddenly. Just as the king continued to walk, he thought to himself and looked at the ground in every pace he took far from Jimin.

"When you're ready, come to me... talk to me... look at me... but I will not come to you. Not anymore," the king thought as he walked further away from Jimin. "I will no longer chase you like before. I am no longer the desperate man that grew hungry for love. I... I will wait for you now, but if you take forever, I will no longer be available to you, Park Jimin. Let this be a reminder to you that my time is valuable as well. Not just yours. Return back to me if your heart belongs to me... don't return at all if you feel as if I took it without your permission."

Once the king thought this in his mind, he felt sure of separating himself from the omega. The way the swan teared up on the spot showed that he still had yet to mend his problems. Jungkook was still in the process of finding himself. Jimin on the other hand, showed how weak he was to his own stubborn mind. It wasn't going to be easy for him to get rid of that bad habit, but he wanted to try so badly to be a better omega for his king.

Instantly, Jimin's world grew blurry and his vision became unfocused. Just as the atmosphere around him grew darker, his head began to spin until he felt his eyes close and his body become so frail. Instantly. Jimin stumbled and fell over the hard ground with his eyes locked onto Jungkook walking away from him. Within seconds, everything closed in around him as he fainted on the spot. Not knowing if Jungkook truly chose someone else to marry that moment. But what scared him the most was the last memory he had of his alpha walking away from him before his body gave out.

Moments in silence stretched longer and longer. He heard shuffling and whispers as the cold ground underneath him became loose and comfortable. It was as if the ground below became gentle with only the kiss of rich silk meeting with his body. This alone gave Jimin the feeling that he wasn't lying in a usual cover over the ground. He was laying on an actual bed fit for a king.

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