Chapter 6: Far From Here

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     That afternoon, Jimin threw himself over Taehyung's bed and screamed into a small pillow. His anger erupted like a volcano, his tears threatened to burst from his eyes like a waterfall, and his fingers dug into the bed like a child throwing a tantrum. Sadly, he was no longer at peace like he was in the morning. Jimin escaped his home after Jung Hoseok left, overwhelmed by the many things that were said at the table, the weary omega had no one to turn to at a time like this but, his best friend Kim Taehyung; of the Kim household and son of a well-known doctor.

     "Jimin, maybe you should give this man a chance, maybe he's different," assured Taehyung in an effort to comfort the older omega. "Oh, how beautiful it would be to find a good suitor to marry..."

     "It's not okay, Taehyung! I don't want to marry. You should have been there, the way he looked at me as if I was his prey! To make matters worse, I didn't speak to him once and my father grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly! L-Look," Jimin sputtered and grabbed Taehyung's hand to squeeze, however, he wasn't strong at all and to the younger omega, it wasn't as painful as Jimin made it out to be.

     "Petrified... Utterly petrified," Taehyung commented blankly, loosening Jimin's hand to hold it gently. "Jimin, what more could you do? You might as well be happy you've been arranged to marry such a charming and rich noble like Jung Hoseok. Oh, I would love to be paired off to someone like him, but my father is too busy making medicine infusions and healing others to find any suitors for me..."

     "I wish I was as lucky as you, Taehyung... If I was independent as you, I would run around freely like a child. You are so lucky, if I could give you my fiancé, I would."

     "You would? Ah- Jimin, please, enough of this..." Taehyung said and sat next to his helpless friend. "Don't you think you are judging this man a little too early? Hoseok is said to be a charming alpha; happy, playful at times, and he has the brightest spirit in town! Let alone those sharp fangs that assists every smile~"

     "He could be said to be a true hero by everyone, but behind closed doors, he could be the exact opposite. All of the past alphas I've been engaged to, they couldn't stand me and they weren't who I thought they were. Their parents cancelled the engagements and I was so silly to think, 'if they truly loved me,' I said... 'they would have stayed'. None of them did, they laughed at me when I longed to be independent and treated equally."

     "Jimin, I know you hate being told this... But maybe, this 'equality' thing should be left alone. Those alphas are different, betas and even us omegas are different... No one will ever think the same because we are all created differently. If they want to think they are better, what will it make us if we try? We'll get nowhere. Jimin, you're independent, I love that... But, do you wish to be alone forever?"

     "I want to marry, but I want to marry an alpha who understands me. Someone who makes me feel better, someone who makes me feel as if I'm not a product! Is that too much? Because it could never be any less. These alphas I always get arranged to, do not love me truly," Jimin retorted and sat up on the bed before facing Taehyung. "I... I could never tell Namjoon any of this, he wouldn't understand..."

     "He understands, Jimin. Namjoon just gives you the sight of reality when you need it most, there won't be any other alpha here other than the ones you've met," Taehyung concluded as Jimin only looked at the wooden floors and let out a sigh.

     "You're both wrong..." Jimin whispered and finally looked at Taehyung in the eyes. "Yeong-Hwa isn't like the other alphas, he sees the world differently, I've never heard of a life like his and I'm glad I was the one who listened. He's intelligent, creative, charming... but he's a commoner... and oh, how I hate it when my mind longs to travel with his, imagine if I ever stay with him? I will bear a pup that will be shamed upon. I can't be happy either way... He's in a class way below mine," Jimin then let out a tear from his short speech. "I hate... I-I hate this to the point where I... I wish to run away from it all and be on my own. Free and all alone..."

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