Chapter 27: I'm Safe

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Jungkook hugged the red silk blanket that carried the hanbok and the undergarment as he continued to push further into the field. His heart raced to see Jimin and the thought excited him, yet, it also seemed different than to how he acted before. He wasn't this clingy before and even he knew that after a few rough days, he would have to skip a morning to see Jimin, but his body refused to stay away.

The morning sun kissed the field and graced the growing grass with its warm sunshine. The wind blew west as Jungkook held onto the hanbok with one hand and the other tipping the shade to his hat with round edges down towards the grass he crushed underneath his straw made shoes. After a long walk, Jungkook arrived at the river to see his swan bathing in it.

Jimin guided his small hand along his exposed shoulder as his long silk hair was let down. He only wore his underwear in the river and left the hanbok he wore before over the dry ground. Jimin then turned his head to see Jungkook standing right there, standing underneath the shade of a tree as he made a big smile at his swan.

"Good morning, Jimin!" Jungkook called out to the omega and stepped in closer to the river as he set the red silk blanket down along with the hanbok that was wrapped inside it. "I'm glad to see you here today!"

"I thought I wasn't going to see you until tomorrow," Jimin said and set his hair over the right side of his neck. "What brings you here? Do you plan on damaging your senses even further by coming to the river again?"

"My senses are already damaged as it is, Jimin. Anyway, I came to bring you an extra hanbok, Yoongi bought it for you along with underwear. He said he was going to give it to you at the palace but you ran out of there so quickly," Jungkook mentioned and as soon as he set the red silk blanket down, he watched Jimin approach the dry pebbles and gaze into the alpha's eyes. "Also, call me insane, but I just couldn't stand the feeling of being separated from you... four days and I think our bond is closer!"

Jimin's eyes then widened as he stepped out of the river to wring the excess water out of his beautiful black hair. The omega then placed his hair over the right side of his neck and looked at the alpha with a worried stare. His chest was sprinkled with hickeys falling down the crease of his neck and small bite marks around his nipples.

"Do you... remember what happened throughout those four days?" Jimin asked and tilted his head at the alpha. "Do you remember... anything? I can only grasp a few things."

Jungkook only shook his head and watched Jimin run his hand along the side of his neck and look at the king in worry. "No, I can't remember a thing. Everything was such a blur to me, I can't even remember what I said or did," Jungkook mentioned as the omega only removed his hand from his neck and walked up to the red blanket set out before him with the clothes he had to change into. "Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No... it's nothing, you didn't hurt me at all, at least, that's what I know of... I'm fine," Jimin assured and stood to change into the dry undergarment Jungkook brought him. The alpha then watched as Jimin changed into the dry underwear and placed on the upper yellow coat to his hanbok, yet he refrained from putting on the long skirt for now.

Jungkook observed the omega; he watched as Jimin sat down and refused to tie in the center of the ribbon over his upper coat. There he sat over the red silk blanket, in his untied yellow Jeogori and just his underwear as he placed on his white socks (beoseon) with plant embroideries over the soft cotton fabric. His pale and soft skin was given hickeys from his neck, leading down to his upper thighs. The sight alone left Jungkook to gawk further into the omega's appearance.

"I can't imagine what my father must be saying, he must be losing his head along with my so-called 'future alpha', I'm in danger," Jimin whispered and raised his hair to tie into a bun before sticking a long rod-like pin through it to keep it secured. There, Jimin pressed the white collar of his upper coat (the dongjeong) over his neck to conceal the hickeys and further bite marks completely.

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