Chapter 19: Always

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     The mood in the atmosphere shifted from tense to calm in seconds. At least, that's how Jungkook viewed it. His shoulders raised as he spoke to his swan, fearing what Jimin thought deep down. The king's thoughts began to wonder what Jimin was thinking at a time like this. Yet, his obsessive and desperate mind clung onto their romance through those negative thoughts alone. Jeon Jungkook was truly killing himself slowly and ignored it when Jimin held him close.

      "Jimin..." Jungkook whispered against the omega's body as his grip only seemed to get tighter. "Say we'll always have forever, tell me the beautiful things so I could stop thinking the worst."

       "Jungkook, we'll always have forever..." Jimin didn't seem to hesitate as he fulfilled the alpha's wishes. Slowly but carefully, Jimin ran his hand over the alpha's hair as he began to pick up an off feeling from the king.

      It was a sharp feeling that made a shiver run down Jimin's spine. He looked down at the king and noted how tight his grip truly was. Almost as if Jungkook kept the omega trapped in his arms. Jimin didn't seem to think much of it and found it as his king being romantic and childish at a time like this, but did Jimin brush it off completely? No, the boy was too observant to do that.

     "Promise me we'll have forever..." Jungkook whispered and held his eyes closed against Jimin's body; pressing his cheek against the soft silk of the omega's hanbok. "Promise me..."

      "I promise we'll have forever," Jimin replied and finally pointed the alpha's face towards him. "You're so clingy today, are you still having those thoughts?"

       "I'm sorry..."

       "Don't apologize, you only apologize for mistakes or bad things," Jimin assured and felt the king's complexion just under his fingertips. "Your feelings aren't mistakes nor bad things, my Jungkook..."

      The gentle whisper of Jimin's sweet voice felt as if the words melted into the king's ear. He locked eyes with the omega and smiled at his swan, brightening his gaze once more to cherish such a lovely feeling he wished he could think of nothing with.

      "Jimin, would you like to come to the palace soon?" Jungkook wondered as Jimin only let out a giggle at the thought. "What?" Jungkook asked and let out a laugh from Jimin's sudden reaction.

       "Jungkook, I can't be seen in the palace, do you know what could be said about that?"

        "You could come by on a day of selection and you will be in the palace for a reason! Maybe then, you could stay overnight with me for once. Wouldn't you like that? To wake up by my side?" Jungkook questioned and ran his hands up Jimin's waist as he stood up in front of the omega.

       "We'll have all eternity after marriage to do things like that, Jungkook. I wouldn't like to rush that in so soon. Besides, you're an alpha, and I'm an omega. Spending a night together before marriage would lead to many things," Jimin replied and stepped away from the alpha, tucking his hands behind his frame and smiling as he walked. "Would that be a rule a king like you would like to break?"

      Jungkook grew silent as his face grew red right after. The idea of touching Jimin and fulfilling his fantasies way before marriage was tempting to the alpha. Most omegas and alphas risked their first time before marriage and hid it well right after. Yet, Jungkook just couldn't find an answer to such a question like that.

       "I-I..." Jungkook sputtered and listened to Jimin let out a laugh that could light up a dark room in seconds.

        "Oh, Jungkook! What's wrong with you?" Jimin giggled and looked back at the king tilting his head with a hint of an innocent smile leaving its mark on his charming face. "I'm only teasing!" The omega added. Then, Jimin walked over to the alpha once more and patted his shoulder softly. "I would love to spend the night~"

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