Chapter 18: All In My Head

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    Hoseok's thoughts fell silent. His heart pounded and his eyes begged for a better way to approach this, but Mr. Park was too far into his plan. Regret struck the young alpha as the normal smile he would normally carry, fled his expression. All he could ever think of was the same scolding words he hissed to himself, believing that if he had kept his observations to himself, no one's life would be on the line now.

      "I... I feel... I feel sick," whispered Hoseok and wrapped his arms around his stomach above the dark blue hanbok, over his black silk pants. "Killing, that isn't fair..."

      "Commoners won't live long anyway. At the end of the day, I want the best for Jimin, it is the right thing to do. I would love to let Jimin marry for love, but let's be honest, love drove him into the arms of a commoner. Jimin wouldn't last long with a commoner, they will raise half-bred pups, they will struggle for a living and their reputation will be worse. Having my son live a life like that, is a thought I just can't bear,"

       "You're... You're right..."

       "You too will understand that this isn't something I want. If the boy was an upper-class alpha, I would have been more than happy to allow Jimin to love him. But, this alone has to be done. I would have to force Jimin so plans would fall into place. His heat was triggered for marriage and now we must get rid of that commoner so the painting could only capture the two of you. In time, Jimin will love you, that I am certain."

     Hoseok had no other choice but to listen to the elder. He knew what the father believed in and understood his reasons, but as horrible as it made him feel, Hoseok finally had to play off the idea of not knowing the plan so it could be carried out smoothly.

       Eventually, Jimin reached The Omega River after a long walk through the field. Once he arrived at the river, he spotted Jungkook sitting all alone. The familiar white hanbok was wrapped around his body and his hat was placed over the wet pebbles underneath. Jimin gazed at the king a while longer until he couldn't contain his excitement; the king was silent, perfect, charming, Jimin's heart pounded at the sight as his feet pushed forward to see the alpha.

     Within seconds, Jimin jumped onto the young king and threw his arms around Jungkook's body to hold him happily. The strong scent of the alpha filled Jimin's nose as he welcomed it with open arms.

     "Oh, Jungkook! You don't know how happy I am!" Jimin giggled and rubbed the side of his face against the alpha, causing a big grin to form over the king's pale face.

     "Ah, you know I can't sense you from afar!" Jungkook laughed and finally cupped his swan's face. "Let me look at you..." Jungkook whispered and matched his smile with Jimin's before kissing his forehead. "I'm so glad I've made you happy..."

     With that, Jimin seemed to notice the lack of sleep engraved onto Jungkook's face. Faint dark circles were stamped onto the space underneath his eyes and his voice carried a long tone that seemed to drag out his dull voice. The older omega then rose his small hands to hold Jungkook's face in return; feeling the chiseled features to his charming, yet, exhausted face.

     "What's wrong?" Jungkook whispered as his smile died down into worry. "Did something happen? Please, tell me..."

     "No... No, it's not that... I- ah, have you been getting enough rest?" Jimin asked and felt Jungkook's hands fall from the gentle touch of his face, and finally rest over the omega's plump shoulders.

     "Oh, it doesn't matter, my swan, what matters is that you're happy and the rules have been implemented," Jungkook assured and hugged Jimin; clinging onto him as if he lacked the feeling of contact for an eternity. "I'm so happy now..."

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