Chapter 24: Rush~

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       Jimin thought of many things on his way there, he too feared the consequences but learned to put Jungkook before any of his worries. He knew the alpha would do the same for him, so Jimin knew he had to be there for Jungkook. The omega wasn't forced at all, he decided this on his own and longed to be by his partner's side.

      The swan rushed through the market and soon reached a closed off area leading into the palace. He climbed and jumped over a big wall of stone to get to Jungkook, and made sure he wasn't caught as well. What the omega noticed was the amount of guards scattered along the courtyard, yet none of them guarded the walls to see if anyone would climb over it.

      As soon as Jimin made his way through the buildings, he then reached the entry to the royal room where he then met with Yoongi. Yoongi stood still, his eyes were closed and his head pressed against the wall with his hand over the handle to his own sword that clung onto the belt along his hips. Once Jimin arrived at the entry, Yoongi sensed the omega and opened his eyes to see Jimin before him. The same and beautiful omega he guided to this very room before.


       "Is he on his rut?" Jimin asked with no hesitation, but his gaze carried worry for the alpha.

      "He's just starting, what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked and pulled his hand away from the handle to his sword.

       "What does it look like I'm doing here? I'm here for Jungkook... I've made up my mind and I want to be here for him," the swan mentioned and looked at the silent and dull doors before him. "Please, let me in."

       "Jimin, don't rush yourself for Jungkook. This has to be your decision as well. Jungkook said to only allow you in if you are fully aware of what you're doing and know you won't feel as if you had no choice. He wants you to think about it," Yoongi assured and looked into the omega's eyes with worry. "Take your time."

       "I've made up my mind, I thought about it all night and made my final decision before coming here. I want to be there for him, it's our bond and our relationship that has deepened. I trust him," the innocent omega assured and with that, Yoongi nodded his head and approached the door to open it for the swan.

       The door cracked open slightly and instantly, Jimin was welcomed to the dark room Jungkook remained in. He was afraid at first, but he knew this was just the young alpha he cared about. Jimin stepped in and as soon as he took a few steps, Yoongi slid the door shut and walked away to give the two some privacy.

      The room was dark, the atmosphere was dull; it was just the two now in a room together. Jimin stepped in and noticed the alpha resting over the bed, breathing heavily in his own sweat while his robe was still wrapped around his body as if he never took it off. Yet, his steel belt was thrown carelessly on the ground as well as the cap he wore as king, Jungkook just didn't remove his own royal hanbok.

        Jimin stepped in and since the alpha's senses were doubled on his rut, he was finally able to sense his swan from the moment he walked in.

      "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered, approaching the alpha over the bed and holding his hand carefully. "I'm here..."

       "Jimin, why... I don't want to... h-hurt you..." Jungkook whispered and was able to grasp onto his own thoughts to form sentences. "You came so early... I just started."

        "Jungkook, I chose to be here with you, it was my decision and I am here for you," Jimin added and climbed onto the alpha to tower over him. "I'm all yours."

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