Chapter 53: The King's Swan (FINALE)

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         In time, Jungkook stepped in front of the royal court and announced Jimin as his future omega. The land was finally going to have their new king rule alongside the alpha that was once lonely. Within the same week, they were rushed into the ceremony of marriage and were wedded that day. When it came to the king, as soon as he picked his omega, he was to be rushed to marry the next day. So, this wasn't very unusual to Jimin since he knew there was no waiting when it came to that.

       Jungkook managed to make it into Jimin's mind and change him into a better version of himself. Jimin was taught many things when it came to living royally and learning to love his alpha rightfully. Before, Jimin was so stubborn, so greedy but along the way, he found himself within the king. As well as Jungkook; he came a long way from being this desperate boy who painted in order to cope with his solitude. The two were broken from many things, even if they harmed each other along the way, they were both able to heal their own wounds right after.

      By the following month, Jungkook laid in bed with his swan. Their nightly routines would consist of their endless conversations of many things until it drifted them off to sleep. Their bond was closer and their hearts never strayed away from mimicking each other.

        When the sun rose to a new day, Jungkook opened his eyes to lock onto his omega sleeping right by his side. The spot that was once empty, was now filled with the one he loved. Jungkook smiled at his swan, raising his right hand to comb Jimin's lovely silk hair back and slowly slide it down to the small baby bump that was beginning to form over his belly. The alpha pressed his head against the pillow as he laid sideways like Jimin and couldn't help but to look at his husband with love just oozing from the windows to his soul.

      His swan was silent, elegant, precious as he slept. Everything in Jungkook's mind was silent now as he took moments like these and held them closer to his heart. This was their life now and he wouldn't change it for even the rarest treasure in the land. He believed Jimin was the only treasure he seeked for and he alone meant beyond just a rare treasure. Jimin was his swan, the king's swan and his whole world.

      "Jimin..." Jungkook whispered and leaned in to kiss his omega over the head softly. "You won't be able to sleep in like this, my love. Remember, you are the king as well. You can't lay here all day."

       "I... I want to..." Jimin replied with his eyes sewn shut. "Taehyung mentioned that I may want to sleep a little longer than usual because of my pregnancy. Let me sleep in for just this morning..."

      "Oh Jimin, you said that yesterday and the day before that! Swan, I want to spend a moment with you before our first meal. I want to at least walk around with you for a moment."

        "Your energy... I can't match it, Jungkook..." Jimin whispered. Just then, Jungkook leaned in and kissed the omega on his forehead. "Mh- stop it..."

        "Are you going to spend time with me? Or are you going to spend more time with the bed?" Jungkook asked and suddenly climbed over the omega to then trap him underneath. "Don't make me jealous of the bed we lay on, Jimin!"

        "Oh no... your obsession is back..." Jimin replied effortlessly and yawned as he kept his eyes closed shut. "I need more rest... I will see you... when I do," Jimin replied and turned his face away before the alpha pointed his face back to his. "You're so annoying, Jungkook!"

       "Jimin, I love you!" Jungkook teased and peppered soft kisses against his neck in efforts to wake him up. "I want you to wake up, my love..."

        "Jeon Jungkook... I'm pregnant... how do you expect me to-"

        "Fine," Jungkook spoke into a pout and began to pull away from the omega. But just when Jimin didn't feel the soft and warm kisses of his lover, Jimin let out a giggle before the king and wrapped his arms around his alpha before uniting his tired gaze with him. "What is this? Now you want me to stay and bother you longer?"

The King's Swan | Jikook |Where stories live. Discover now