Chapter 36: A Beautiful Day

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       The night before was like no other to the king. He kept Jimin close to his body and spoke to his swan gently underneath the light of the full moon. Jungkook recalled running his fingers through Jimin's short hair and carefully speaking to his omega in caring whispers after such a rough night. Jungkook smiled looking back at such a golden moment with his swan, that he woke up the next morning alone. Making his night seem only like a vivid dream.

        "He must have left in the middle of the night," Jungkook spoke softly and noticed that his hair was let down and his body was still naked underneath the covers. "Why am I such a heavy sleeper when it comes to these things? I could have been awake to see him go."

       With that, the alpha looked around for the silk ribbon to tie his hair up into a top knot style, yet he couldn't find the ribbon anywhere. "That's weird... I would always put it by my bed," Jungkook thought to himself until his head guard stepped in to greet him in the early morning.

        "Good morning, a king like you sure is loud," Yoongi called out as he stepped in with his usual blue hanbok vest sitting over his dark blue sleeves with a thick golden silk along the cuffs. The guard then slid the door closed, guiding his white gloves hands along the center and bringing it shut. With that, he tipped his round black hat that had white strands along the corners, a golden nozzle at the top and a red ribbon connected to the tip.

        "Loud?" Jungkook called out in worry and watched the guard step closer to the bed, hearing each beat of his black leather boots hitting against the wooden floors. "What are you talking about?"

        "You and your little omega," Yoongi replied and hid his hands behind his back to stare at the king. "The servants refused to come here in the early morning because they assumed you were busy. So of course, they sent me."

       "Oh, I-I... were we really that loud?" Jungkook wondered and tilted his head, but the guard only laughed and adjusted the strap that held his hat in place.

        "Yes, but don't worry. The royal court doesn't know anything about your rumored concubine."

         "Ru-Rumored concubine? So there's word about it now..." Jungkook sputtered and held his face over the covers. "I deserve that... I'm so careless when it comes to Jimin."

       "Yes, you are. Also, I guided him out and he took the ribbon for your hair. He said he needed it to soothe his mating mark," Yoongi assured the king and watched his gaze blow wide. "I was right~" teased the guard in a rhythmic tone that left Jungkook turning red.

       "When are you never right?" Jungkook called out and looked out at the opened window, watching the sunlight beam in and shine over the wooden ground. "Ah, enough of this... I have to see Jimin today."

     "It's too early! You have a selection soon, do you think you could make it?" Yoongi asked and watched the king let out a chuckle.

      "It's never too early to see Jimin. Tell them I'm sleeping in and I don't wish to be awakened. Don't let anyone in. I'll be sure to be back when the sun reaches midday," Jungkook assured as his head guard let out a grin. "This time, I'll paint. Today seems like a beautiful day to paint something different than a swan... I've painted so many, but my muse before Jimin, I haven't."

      "You only paint to cope with your solitude. You aren't lonely, are you?"

       "No, it's about time I paint without using it as a way to cope with something so negative. I want to think of painting as an art, not a therapeutic place for me to escape," Jungkook assured and smiled at the painting supplies he had just sitting by the corner of the room collecting dust.

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