Chapter 42: A Stubborn Swan

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       With only those demands echoing within the guard's mind, he nodded his head and took a look at the king once more. Something in him seemed different now. Before, he was a weeping mess over his wounds and his omega, but now, he carried a bland expression that told a story of how he became determined.

      The king was aware of the long wait he had to face and only now, he couldn't dare to hold off marrying his omega. Jimin played off the waiting game for so long, the king almost died waiting for something that was so far away. Jimin had his moments, taking his time to say when in order to adjust before it happens, but Jungkook couldn't bear the pain anymore. He knew if he reached the river once more to spend another day waiting, it would be his last.

       "Sneaking Jimin in would be a bit more difficult, Jungkook. Ever since your incident, the guards have been patrolling every part of the palace walls. Jimin will be seen."

        "That doesn't matter. You will bring him to me, there will be no need to sneak him in. After today, he will rule beside me, the guards will not hurt him," Jungkook assured and tucked his hands behind his back before looking over to his Phoenix throne once more. "Jimin will have no other choice but to decide today... I can't wait anymore, I've waited for so long and all it did was cause me more pain. I can't live with this anymore... I'm dying and I need him to answer me now."

       Yoongi knew Jungkook had a reason to hold this against Jimin. Jungkook was expected to recover, return to the river in his disguise once again, and wait an eternity for Jimin's response. But with the pain, desperation, and constant overthinking thoughts, it was bound to cause him more harm compared to before. Jeon Jungkook was emotionally exhausted now and could only hope that Jimin would understand. The omega was a very fierce and stubborn little swan; when he was given such a choice, he held onto it no matter what and enjoyed the idea of controlling his own life, to the point where he didn't even take a moment to actually plan his future with the king. He seemed to be stalling in the king's eyes and that left Jungkook with no other choice but to demand to see his omega and set things straight.

      At the same time, the Minister stood at his residence. Staring out through the window as he kept his hands locked behind his back. He contemplated many things in his crowded mind and couldn't dare to stay on one thought for much longer. However, there were moments where he dared to dwell onto a thought when he truly felt as if it was eating him up. He stood silently and hid his emotions as his gaze was only locked to the outside of the window.

       The calm breeze roared through and greeted his skin; even the wrinkles to them as well. As he kept his stare, he let out a sigh and looked onto the ground. Thinking back to the very moment Jimin used a dagger to cut his lovely hair. Even at times the father didn't seem to care, it was moments like these where it seemed to linger on in his head for a while longer. The minister then raised his hand up to rub the center between his closed eyes, feeling his fingers curve up to where the beginning of his nose bridge remained.

        Just as he took a moment to drown in the constant guilt that haunted him, Park Jihyun stepped into the main room. Instantly, the young alpha's eyes locked onto his father's figure standing silently by the window. Jimin's younger brother knew how the father felt; he knew the pain that weighed him down every time he went too rough on Jimin, but he could never understand why.

        "Father," Jihyun spoke softly and tugged onto his dark blue sleeves instantly. "Namjoon is with Jimin at the moment, I don't know where they've gone.."

       "That's fine..." Whispered the father as he continued to contemplate further. He did notice that Jimin didn't seem to be fazed after Hoseok supposedly 'killed' the commoner, so that was enough to leave the old minister thinking to himself. Since Hoseok no longer wanted to marry Jimin like this, it left the father with time to ponder on who to arrange his son with now. The word commoner didn't seem to wander around in his restless mind anymore.

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