Chapter 26: What You Need

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    In time, everything went pitch black for Jungkook. He couldn't grasp a thing and could only remember small moments where he kissed his partner, but nothing more than that. Throughout the heat and rut, Jungkook and Jimin did so much more than a gentle intercourse. Their bodies were tempted by the atmosphere and their scents drove them deeper into the point where none of their innocence remained.

       A few days after their heat and rut died down, Jungkook woke up and rubbed his eyes. His head was overcome with a headache just pounding in his head like thunder. He was naked just underneath the blanket and the wide bed felt bigger since he was all alone. No Jimin in sight.

      He let out an exhale as he sat up and ran his hand down his lower back, feeling the dents of the scratch marks that peeled his skin. Jimin was overcome by the satisfying pleasure, he couldn't dare to keep his hands to himself during his heat. Dawn felt as if it was the first sunrise after an eternal darkness swept his life under; keeping him blinded for so long.

       The whole experience with Jimin didn't stay in his mind. Not even the moments where he tried so hard to stay focused on his partner. The hot, heavy, and tempting moment was now flushed away from Jungkook's mind forever.

      Just then, Yoongi stepped into the room and slid the door shut behind him. His eyes scattered across the room and also noticed that the packaged food that was set aside, was already finished. The head guard's eyes then widened as it fell onto the young king sitting over the wide bed.

     "Jungkook? You're a mess!" Yoongi pointed out and let out a laugh. "Your hair is all a mess and you look as if you haven't slept in days!"

       "You make it sound as if I wasn't on my rut a few days ago!" Jungkook replied, rubbing the sides of his head and letting out an exhale. "Where... where's Jimin?"

        "He left a while ago to the omega river. I went out to purchase omega undergarments and a hanbok for him, but surprisingly, he was too fast. I was going to chase him, but I don't like to run."

         "He's... gone? I would have expected him to stay by my side until morning, did I hurt him? Did he look hurt?"

         "Ah, there you go again. Not even more than a minute awake, you're already overthinking. Calm down, your majesty... he didn't look hurt, he just had a limp as he rushed out of the palace," Yoongi mentioned and had his arms folded as he looked over the bed. "I'll send in your servants to clean up around here, you need to wash up and-"

        "I want to go see Jimin, it is morning, isn't it?"
        "It is, but you can take a morning off, you've been with him for four days! Give him some time!"

         "Yoongi, I can't do that. I feel like after we shared such a moment, I'm drawn to him... I can't leave him alone, I'm tempted to see him, hold him, stand by him and support him," Jungkook confessed and ran his hand along his messy hair. "I love him..."

      "Love him? You don't even remember your first time with him! When I had my first rut with my omega, I wasn't this clingy..."

       "We're different, Yoongi. You're not desperate like me," mentioned the king as he then looked to the side where Jimin's gifted brooch sat above his painting supply box. "I can't stop thinking about him... he's my swan, he's my love. But, the bond is so strong that I long to be with him, what's wrong with me today? I feel so lost without him! I'm losing my mind, before I was okay if we were far, but I feel like I shouldn't be far from him anymore."

       Yoongi knew how much Jimin meant to the king, but he did think that the need for the king to be by his swan's side seemed a bit more bigger than before. The head guard couldn't help but to fold his arms and think on it more, he longed to dissect the things he didn't understand so he could have a better view on things. In this situation, he noticed Jungkook seemed too demanding to know where his swan had run off to, and didn't long to seem far for even more than a second. Could the four days of being together, really cause the alpha to be drawn so close to the omega? Something had to happen in between those days to carry such a heavy attraction like this.

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