Chapter 50: Still You

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Yoongi's eyes fell over Taehyung's worried gaze. The innocent gleam the omega carried left the guard speechless after hearing those words. He knew something was off about Jimin and how he still carried a strong scent of his alpha even when they haven't seen each other for a week! Everything began to seem so clear to the alpha, but he was still silent; trying to take in the big news so suddenly.

"Park Jimin is pregnant..." Yoongi thought. His eyes peeled away from Taehyung's gleaming stares and tried to process everything. "He's pregnant.... why couldn't you tell him before he walked off?" Yoongi asked and watched Taehyung shake his head so suddenly. "What's the matter? You're not the one pregnant here!"

"I'm too afraid to tell him! You see how stressed he is on trying to better himself, if I add onto that with news of his pregnancy, he would be more overwhelmed than he is now! I just want to make sure he's alright... I will let him know but right now, do you think he's stable enough to know that he's pregnant? What if he hurts the pup?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Taehyung! As long as you plan to let him know soon, it's fine by me. I feel as if I tell him, he won't believe me! He will trust the son of a well known doctor before trusting a head guard. How could I have been so blind to the signs before? Jimin is pregnant... that's why he grew so tired and he carried the King's scent even when he hasn't seen him in such a long time!"

"I don't know how this happened... I gave him the elixir, but I guess he missed a day in taking it... or he didn't take it correctly! I know Jimin took it, I know this was what he feared before and I gave him the elixir and it failed! What if he tells me the elixirs are useless and he believes I sabotaged him? What will I do then when my big brother hates me?"

"For an omega who seems very alike to me when it comes to emotionally helping others, you really can't seem to help yourself out in a crisis," Yoongi teased and held his hands behind his back. "Find a way to tell him soon. There's no rush, but I'd rather you not hide it from someone who needs to know. Jimin is the soon to be King alongside his Jungkook and he is carrying the future Prince or Princess of this land. Do not let him know on his own."

"Isn't that a better option?"

"He trusts you to let him know the truth... don't lose it because you're scared of the outcome."

"How do you know so much?"

"I just speak through many experiences just like you speak through common sense," the guard answered. "Now, allow me to walk you back with Jimin..." Yoongi assured and as soon as they opened the doors, Jimin stood right at the entry and caused the guard to flinch.

Jimin was listening in on the conversation the whole time and was tearing up by the door at the news. His heart dropped when he heard the two talking about his pregnancy and couldn't believe what he was hearing. Right as he stood there in front of the two, Taehyung gasped and Yoongi couldn't help but to remain frozen in place. The three were silent to the point where only Jimin's sobs could be heard through the room.

"I'm... I'm... I'm pregnant?" Jimin asked through his tears and looked at the young omega. "I was pregnant and you couldn't tell me?"

"Jimin, I was afraid of how you would react! Please... I know how tough things are for you and Jungkook. Take your time..." Taehyung continued and with that, Yoongi was quick to pull Jimin back into the king's sleeping chamber so their voices wouldn't be carried out through the palace walls.

"I-I.." Jimin sputtered and stepped in once he watched Yoongi pull him forward. "I'm pregnant with a pup of an alpha I can't bring myself to speak to! Wh-What am I going to do? My father was by my side the other day, what if he thought I was going down the wrong path in his eyes and is waiting to hold this against me? What can I-"

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