Chapter 8: A Clouded Mind

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      As sweet and gentle Jungkook's dream went on, he glided his hand along Jimin's gentle face and smiled. His dream seemed so real, he felt his muse just through his fingertips and only now, Jungkook just didn't want to pull away.

     "You're not mine... You'll never be mine. But, if you were with me, I would never own you, I would stand by you and say you have my heart. You don't know how fast I fall for someone, how long I've waited for this feeling... Could I ever keep it?" Jungkook whispered. Just as he pointed Jimin's face onto his, Jimin opened his eyes, yet, he was silent. "I'm so desperate, I already see you differently."

      Jungkook felt Jimin raise his hands up against the alpha's body until they rested over his shoulders. Silence grew loud between them and with that, Jungkook leaned in closer and hugged Jimin's body against his. The gentle and caring embrace felt real to the alpha, he just longed to get lost in it. Even if it was such a dream that seemed so vivid, it felt as if he was truly holding Jimin like he did in the morning.

     The king softly caressed his swan, having a gentle contact with Jimin in his dream, he felt as if his love grew deeper for the omega, only now, he just couldn't dare to hold back any longer.

      "Jimin..." Jungkook's voice echoed back and forth in his dream. Just then, the omega pressed his forehead against the alpha's and arched his body forward against his. "Mh... No.. No, don't do that..." Jungkook whispered within the omega's ear and listened to his childish giggles.

       Jimin then glided his hands from the king's shoulders to his small waist. Jungkook then ran his hands up to hold Jimin's shoulders until he felt Jimin gently kiss along his jawline. Soft and wet kisses aligned on the king's skin as every part to his dream seemed to tempt and allure him even more. Jungkook let out a soft huff before closing his eyes tightly and embracing the passionate sensation.

      "Jimin... Please... mh...ngh~" Jungkook hummed as the omega underneath clung onto him and continued to kiss Jungkook's skin softly. Right there, Jungkook wanted to hold himself off a bit longer, but then he began to feel Jimin's frame rub against his body underneath. With that, Jungkook let out a gentle huff and the atmosphere in the room grew hot. Jimin didn't speak, nor did he whimper at the king's touch. Yet, his body moved in a way that begged for the alpha to touch him. Jungkook felt the omega's honey-like lips trail up against his neck as he pressed his hips against Jimin's in sync. Suddenly, Jimin began to speak into sweet cries that fueled Jungkook's lustful mind.

     "Jungkook.... Ah...ah~" Jimin moaned softly and breathed heavily against Jungkook's skin. "My... My Jungkook~"

     "Oh Jimin.... Ah- wait... you know my name?" Jungkook asked into a shaky gasp. The alpha then pressed his hips against Jimin's; demanding an answer from the vulnerable omega. As Jimin pressed his head back and let out a gentle mewl, his nails clawed onto Jungkook's back where it tugged onto the king's silk clothes. "Jimin..."

     "Jungkook... wake up..." Jimin whimpered into a soft moan against Jungkook's ear as his breathing grew heavy at the moment. Just then, Jungkook heard another voice call out to him right after.


     Finally, the alpha jolted awake from his dream. His eyes blew wide and sweat bolted down his face from the way he passionately held Jimin underneath him in his fantasies. The king then focused his gaze at Yoongi, who was standing right by the bed with his arms crossed.

       "Finally, you're awake," said Yoongi as he leaned forward to get a good look at the king over the bed.

     "I... I-I overslept..." Jungkook whispered and sat up, rubbing his head and feeling his temperature rise. "W-Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at your post?"

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