Chapter 30: A Brotherly Bond

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      Jungkook laid in bed once the night grew near, he spent the day in his room 'recovering' and the following day, he had a selection to attend. Yet, he couldn't stop thinking about his swan and how worried he was about Jimin returning home for the first time in a few days. He knew it was too obvious that Jimin would be with an alpha during his heat throughout those specific days and expected his family to know why he was missing. But the constant fear the omega had over returning, sickened the alpha with worry.

       "Oh, Jimin... just say the word and I will marry you, we'll be together like we should and you wouldn't have to suffer! Why do you love to suffer so much?" Jungkook asked himself as he laid in bed and hoped to have Jimin rest by his side. "My bed was filled for the last few nights but now, it's empty and it feels much bigger now," spoke the king and ran his hand along his own arm to mimic the way Jimin would touch him.

        Just as he tried to mimic the way Jimin would touch him, his mind flashed moments of Jimin's behavior in his head. He remembered how nervous the omega seemed when he couldn't keep something of the alpha to leave him satisfied, he also recalled how clingy Jimin became and only questioned the nights he spent with the omega overall.

       "Something happened..." Jungkook whispered and ran his hand through his long hair that beamed underneath the moonlight. "Something had to have happened that made him feel so attached to me." Once Jungkook pondered the idea further, he suddenly remembered when Jimin refused to be touched on his neck and hid it underneath the collar of his upper coat. "Did I....hurt him? Did I really hurt him? If only I could remember what really happened throughout those four days..."

        As time slipped by him, he found himself sleeping alone with thoughts that tended to linger around. Jungkook couldn't help but to think he harmed the omega and made him fear the emperor, but knowing how caring and thoughtful Jimin was, Jimin only brushed the action aside and treated it as water under the bridge. Yet, this was what the alpha believed, he believed Jimin was truly hiding what he knew deep down.

       When morning came around, Taehyung was told that Jimin finally returned home after those long days that stretched out like an eternity. The young omega smiled at the thought of his good friend returning and had to pay a visit. The young boy raced the entrance of the house and greeted the silent servants that carried many words with the noise of their silence.

       Not only the servants were silent, but the mother and Jihyun were both removed from the world after what they witnessed just the day before. They never expected to see Jimin cry and scream like that, it left them thinking of many things after Jimin was forced to cut his beautiful hair off. The servants were silent upon Taehyung's arrival and only guided him to the older omega's room silently. Not wanting to alarm the minister at all.

       Once Taehyung stepped into the room, his eyes locked onto Jimin laying in bed and facing the opposite side of his room. The atmosphere was thick and dull, it only left the boy to question what had happened to make his cheerful friend feel so quiet and upset.

       "Did someone die? Everyone is so quiet today, not even the servants greeted me or announced my arrival!" Taehyung mentioned and stepped in before sliding the bedroom door closed. "Jimin, are you alright? When your father told Namjoon that you have returned, I raced here to see you! You won't tell anyone where you've been, but I know you'll tell me, right? I promise I'll keep it a secret!"

       With the sound of Taehyung's youthful voice illuminating the room, Jimin sat up with one hand over the same neck he concealed from Jungkook before. By then, Taehyung noticed Jimin's short hair and gasped at the sight of it.

      "J-Jimin, you're hair! H-How, w-why?" Sputtered the boy and watched Jimin look down and slowly remove his hand from his exposed neck, revealing a bite mark. However, it wasn't just any bite mark, this was none other than a mating mark; a significant mark made between an alpha and an omega that binded them for an eternity.  "Jimin..." spoke Taehyung into a gasp as his hands covered his own mouth at the sight of the omega's mating mark. "You... you-"

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