Chapter 3: The Son of the Minister

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        Yoongi's eyes fixed upon the king with a gleam sitting right through his glances. Yoongi just couldn't seem to understand what the king meant; the way Jungkook described Park Jimin, hit too close to the feeling of love at first sight. "My King, did you find someone special? If you did, I'll be glad to notify the court that the spouse selection (a gantaek) will not be necessary!" Yoongi assured, mentioning that Jungkook's spouse selection would be cancelled since he had already found his spouse and future omega to rule alongside him. "Park Jimin, the son of the minister is an omega! He is unmarried, but we should have him set for you."

       Suddenly, Jungkook picked up an odd feeling about this. The idea made him uncomfortable, he didn't want to marry Jimin all of a sudden. The king knew that if he was going to stay the rest of his life with someone, he would rather learn more about his future spouse. What was rarely known was that Jeon Jungkook was a desperate alpha; he loved too soon and became a fool for just anyone who came his way. The alpha just wanted to love normally for once, but he couldn't even get that right when it came to Jimin since he already began to paint him in gold within his complicated mind after he listened to his perfectly picked words. "No," denied Jungkook with a shake to his head. "I don't want to rush him... Out of all the things I could rush in life, I don't want to rush something that could be an innocent friendship."

      "Then, what do I tell the court? The king must have his lover. Spouse selection is a thought in the court, eventually you'll have the courtyard filled with omegas to choose from! They won't wait for you that long," spoke the guard as he tilted his head after. "Park Jimin... if he doesn't get married off, he will be placed into your spouse selection for you to choose. I think it's better to stick with who you know and marry them as soon as possible. Isn't that what you want? An omega to keep you sane? Pups to keep your bloodline?"

       "I want to love," confessed Jungkook with a sigh. "I want to find love on my own. My Father selected my Mother to be his omega through the spouse selection, then, they grew to love each other after. I don't want distance between Jimin and I, I want love. If I don't see myself with that omega, I can easily play it off as if I've never met him, and meet someone new after. Easy right? My disguise can help! Don't pair us off together I barely know the omega."

        "My King, you also have to think about the time you'll have to meet that special someone. What if they have spouse selection tomorrow at dawn? What would you do if Jimin is in the selection as well? Would you marry him or choose a stranger?"

         "I...I don't like this question. I've rushed love before and I've been seen as a desperate man by my very own reflection. I can't yearn another feeling of hollow fill my heart when the one I grew desperate for, only wanted to use me as I masqueraded in that disguise, while I was just a crowned prince. I can't go through that again, so I need to love on my own for once." Speaking like this made Jungkook feel a bit petrified; the king was very cautious on finding his true love when his heart had the bad habit of loving so soon. "My Father never wanted to notify the court to raise a marriage ban on all omegas from the ages thirteen to twenty, so I can find love. I never did and here I am, being rushed to choose my spouse. I just met him, I don't want to ruin what could be something!"

       "Jungkook, I'm only telling you that It's mandatory for you to marry and mate by nature. It's not a choice, and Jimin seems like a lovely candidate for it! Royals marry through selection, it's okay to choose Jimin as soon as you meet," claimed the guard. Yoongi left the conversation at that as he turned away and decided to stand at his post. Leaving the king with his own thoughts. As scary as that seemed in Jungkook's head, he had to face reality soon. Jungkook let out a sigh and thought of the many things that could become reality. He was frozen to his throne and the only thought that could clear his mind, was the feeling of youth shining through when it came to Park Jimin. The kind image of the omega alone was enough to clear his mind and give him clarity above any situation. Yet, it was only the image that made everything fuzzy in Jungkook's mind. He still had yet to know more of this mysterious omega.

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