Chapter 28: Like Our First~

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     Jimin's eyes locked onto the skies above him as he breathed heavily. His chest rose and dropped repeatedly while the alpha kissed him along the left side of his neck. They held each other against their own bodies, feeling their chest meet at every breath and their hearts match in seconds. The omega clung onto the alpha, pressing his knees against his sides and finally crossing his ankles over the other. Closely, Jimin pulled his alpha's body until he felt Jungkook's erection underneath his disguise, clawing against his own hips.

        Their lips reunited; gentle and soft warm kisses graced their plump lips until they were gasping for air. Everything felt familiar to Jungkook, he just wished he could have recalled everything he experienced throughout those four days of his rut. But either way, he would never exchange a moment like this for something he could never gain back. He embraced Jimin, kissing him and running the tips of his fingers along his pale and tender skin where a few bite marks remained.

       A gentle gasp escaped Jimin's lips as his eyes couldn't dare to remain open. The soft and passionate kisses trailed down to his pale chest until the alpha teased his right nipple with the end of his sharp fangs. He circulated the fang along Jimin's pink areola, gaining an innocent hitch to Jimin's breathing right after. There, the king then closed his lips along the nipple and started to suck onto it, making it hard instantly. Saliva coated the hard tip and the sensation made Jimin moan softly against his own shoulder.

       "Mh~" hummed the bottom, biting onto his lower plump lip from the way the alpha teased his nipple. "Oh, Jungkook~"

        Once the alpha received such a positive reaction from the omega, he slid his other hand down Jimin's torso as it locked onto the waistband of the omega's cotton underwear. His wet tongue swirled along Jimin's nipple until he let out a gasp, wanting to feel more to this familiar sensation that caused his heart to skip a beat. Eventually, Jimin was starting to get aroused from the alpha's constant teasing as his breathing weighed in with his skin growing warm and his face turning a crimson color.

       Without another second passing them by, Jimin felt both of Jungkook's hands latch onto the waistband to his cotton underwear. Longing to strip him of his underwear before they could step even further into this daring experience.

       "Can I?" Jungkook whispered as soon as his tongue pulled away from Jimin's nipple. Glancing up at the pale man with wonder filling his big eyes.

        "Yes, please..." Jimin agreed, feeling the alpha rid him of his underwear. Jungkook gawked at the omega's lower body. Staring and admiring every crease to Jimin's perfectly rounded hips.

       "Every part of you is beautiful, Park Jimin," Jungkook whispered, leaning into the omega's body once more before he began to inhale Jimin's alluring scent. The alpha got lost in the omega's scent as his hands ran down to Jimin's entrance to rub along his rim. "You're covered in your own slick~"

       With the low growl erupting from Jungkook's voice, Jimin pressed his head back and closed his eyes to face the sensation of his partner's finger sliding into his entrance. After one, Jungkook pushed in another and kept his two fingers thrusting into the omega to keep him adjusted, but Jimin was already adjusted after they spent those four days together.

         They kissed messily and the omega began to drool into their passionate kisses from the feeling of Jungkook's middle and ring finger pushing in and out of his sensitive hole. Jimin's tongue wandered into Jungkook's mouth during their kiss as their tongues latched onto each other and embraced a new taste.

        "Ngh! Oh Jungkook, p-put it in!" Jimin begged once he broke away from the kiss to press his head back. He wanted to feel every inch of the alpha, he longed to moan his partner's name and dig his nails into the same benign scars he graced the alpha with the few nights before. "I-I want i-it!"

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