Chapter 40: A Heart of a Lion

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        At the Kim Residence, Jimin sat in front of a low table with Taehyung. Shyly, Jimin pulled down the cuff to his light pink sleeve so he could stare at the ribbon that hugged his wrist carefully. The alpha's scent was still written all over the silk ribbon, so Jimin would always find himself pulling down his sleeve to inhale his alpha's strong and bold fragrance. It was now that Jimin couldn't get enough of his alpha's scent. His stomach trapped butterflies within when he caught onto the king's scent from just the ribbon alone. Yet, there was no way he was able to see Jungkook through his recovery.

       The two were separated for so long, that Jimin clung onto the silk ribbon. At times, he found himself pressing his nose against his wrist to relieve the building pain that roared deep within him. He found the few weeks he spent apart from his alpha, as torture. While Jimin inhaled his alpha's scent for the fiftieth time in the early morning, Taehyung's gaze slowly fixed onto Jimin and let out a short laugh.

        "Is this how the life of a claimed omega truly is? I reckon you would have control over your own body, but it's like you don't even own it! Your body craves the king every second of the day. How desperate can it get?" Taehyung spoke out as Namjoon finally stepped out to meet with the omegas by the low table.

     "You can't blame me, Taehyung! I don't have control over this..." Jimin whispered as Namjoon only tilted his head and stopped right by the low table instantly.

       "Have control over what?" Namjoon asked and sat right by Jimin, observing how the omega pulled up the cuff to his sleeve and turned away nervously. "Stop hiding that ribbon from me, you're not fooling anyone. No matter how hard you try to cover it up, I can sense it all the way from over here!" Namjoon called out. Instantly, the taller alpha gripped onto Jimin's hand to pull down his pink sleeve, expose his pale wrist, and his alpha's ribbon. "The way you hide that ribbon is child's play. You aren't very discreet with it!"

        "Leave it alone, Namjoon! If I cover it like this, no one can catch onto it if I don't hold my hand up!"

      "Namjoon, did Jimin fill you in on the whole story?" Taehyung asked, noticing how Jimin nodded his head and snatched his hand back from Namjoon's grasps.

      "He needed an explanation after Hoseok called off the engagement not too long ago. He caught onto the scent of the ribbon I had wrapped around my wrist and thought I was claimed by a commoner! But then I had to explain and tell him the whole thing," Jimin answered as Taehyung raised a brow right after.

      "Hoseok called off the engagement; I remember it now. I feel bad for him, all he wanted was a path to true happiness but he lost himself along the way," Taehyung spoke out as Namjoon only adjusted the cuffs to his sleeves and held his hands in place. "I haven't heard from him since! Where is he?"

      "I've heard he stays home and never goes out. He fears that his reputation is ruined, but it's not true. The people still love the nobleman and still think of him as a perfect sweetheart, breaking off the engagement with Jimin didn't harm him as much as he thought it would since it's normal for Jimin to jump through engagements," Namjoon answered and heard a giggle escape Jimin. "But now, he's with the king and I believe this is an engagement Jimin won't be able to break away from, he has met his match!"

       "It's not like that! You know how I am with Jungkook... he told me I get a say in when to marry him."

      "Then why are you playing this off longer? Shouldn't you marry him now?" Namjoon asked as Jimin only let out a sigh and placed his hands over his criss crossed legs.

       "Of course I can't marry him now, he's secretly recovering from his wounds! Besides... I want to appreciate the life I have now before I take a spot next to his. For the meantime... I guess I just love the feeling of saying when things go."

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