Chapter 47: Things Are Different Now

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The royal court member stared at Park Jimin's name longer and deepened his stare once he began to realize why the name seemed so familiar before. "So, this is the first-born son of the minister, hm?" The man spoke to himself and shook his head. "This boy has gotten into so many issues, he's the one that's hard to marry off!" As the sound of his voice travelled, Yoongi was able to pick up every pitch to the elders voice. By now, Jungkook was no longer standing by the elder to see who was part of the next omega group for the selection. But, Yoongi heard from where he stood and automatically knew who the elder was speaking of.

"Wise sir," called out Yoongi as he approached the elder with the scroll in his hands. "Is there something wrong with the next group of selected omegas for the King?"

"Why, not at all. I'm only looking at this young omega's name; Park Jimin. He is the one I've heard very much about. Everyone in this group doesn't hold the many tales as Jimin does. The poor boy was always engaged but never married. Of course, the alphas who broke off the engagement claims that he is very difficult to be with. Do you think he should be part of the selection at all?"

Yoongi's cold stare locked onto Jimin's name over the scroll and let out a sigh. He knew it was best for them to keep their ways parted until they were ready to see each other, but since this was the final group for the king's selection, Yoongi knew Jimin would be talked down upon due to him being removed from the selection before the king could get to him. This wasn't what the two needed at the moment, but just hoped Jungkook wouldn't notice his omega in the crowd during the selection.

"It would give Jimin a bad reputation if he doesn't show up at all. People would say that he isn't even worthy of being in the presence of the King himself! I suggest we keep him in the crowd. I'm sure the King wouldn't notice," Yoongi assured and watched the court member nod his head and walk with the scroll before he heard the head guard clear his throat to add onto something else. "I... I would be more than happy to request the residences today, Wise sir..."

"You? But you're the head guard! You must have more important things to do rather than gather a group of omegas and drag them to a pointless selection!"

"I'm sure the King wouldn't mind if I get the last group. What is the worst that could happen?"

"I fear he will reject this last group and have no one... the worst part is to arrange him to marry someone he does not love. He expressed that he wants to find love on his own and being married off to someone else would kill him! I want what's best for the King just like you, Min Yoongi."

"If he rejects this group as well, it will take a while for him to be arranged to marry someone else. It could even take months! But, if he finds someone along the way before that arranged marriage, he will marry that omega out of his own choice. I hope he finds the one before the arranged marriage gets to him," Yoongi added on and looked at Jimin's name over the scroll.

Yoongi always stood by the couple's side. Although, he knew they had yet to see each other since they were working on themselves at the moment. He didn't want to rush what they had yet to fix, but the selection demanded the presence of Jimin and Jungkook had to see him either way. The thought of it bothered Yoongi, but he knew the king had to be ready to see Jimin. The best he could do was to let the king know.

Yoongi took the scroll and began to make his way over to the young alpha who was walking by the pond within his secured courtyard. Jungkook kept a steady pace as he walked with his hand fixed over his bandaged wound. Since he had to cover his bandages when he met with his people for the selection, he had to wear his red robe over the wound. Due to this, he was only allowed a short amount of time outside before sweat would form over his bandages.

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