Chapter 7: If We Rush

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     Jimin's scent grew stronger and stronger with each step Hoseok took; the childish omega's scent was as sweet as vanilla, so it was hard to confuse with just any other scent out there, that's why Hoseok just knew he sensed another alpha. One side of the alpha longed to see Jimin hanging around with another omega who had to wash off an alpha's scent, but as soon as Hoseok grew closer to the river, he began to doubt that. Deep down, Hoseok just wanted Jimin to be alone, but even he couldn't believe in such a thought.

    "Ah- you're playing too rough!" Jungkook called out as he watched the omega giggle and push him around once more. "Your strength is impressive for an omega," Jungkook laughed. Before Jimin could attempt to push him to the water once more, he wrapped his arms around Jimin and kept him still. "The fact that you are determined to knock me down, amazes me, Jimin."

    "You're cheating! I didn't say you could hold me down!" Jimin giggled, gripping onto Jungkook's waist and attempting to tackle him onto the water. "How is a commoner this strong?!" Jimin wondered and grunted as he tried to push the alpha down. "Ah-Ah you're too strong to pin!"

     "Give in already," Jungkook whispered and looked down to see Jimin shake his head and keep pushing to knock him over. "Don't hurt yourself.."

     "The only one that will be hurt is you!" Jimin continued. Although, Jungkook only smiled and continued to hug the omega and keep him locked into his arms.

       Hoseok watched the two from behind a tree and tilted his head to see that Jimin was only playing with this alpha other than flirting with him. A voice in Hoseok's mind demanded him to interfere, but then, he just began to believe that Jimin was only trying to be equal to the alpha and try to pin him down like any other, right? Hoseok was aware of Jimin's knack for equality and wondered if this was it, trying to challenge an alpha so he could feel better about himself. Yet, the fiancé wasn't too naive to believe it entirely.

     "H-How...How many rice sacks do you carry?!" Jimin hissed as his face grew red from all of the effort he gave to pin Jungkook down.

     "I guess a few? I can't tell, hunting helps too!" Jungkook replied and finally looked down to see Jimin struggling. "Alright, stop... you're making me sad."

      "J-Just as I pla-planned..." Jimin replied breathlessly until Jungkook placed his hand over Jimin's head and pushed him back gently. "I almost had it!"

      "Watch and learn. If you want to take down any alpha, you focus on the legs," Jungkook mentioned and pointed to the back of his knees right above the calves. "Push these in and you'll be set," the king added as Jimin giggled and covered his face. "What's so funny?"

     "You are teaching me how to take an alpha down when I can't go against them," Jimin said and brushed a few strands of his hair back. "There's no way I can pick a fight with one!"

     "Then, take this as a lesson to defend yourself. Not all alpha's are good, they're very strong but maybe you can learn to protect yourself well."

       Jimin's eyes began to gleam in sight of Jungkook's. The idea of being taught at least a weakness of an alpha, made Jimin feel excited to learn more from the alpha.

     "Yeong-Hwa, I would love it if you can show me how to defend myself. No one has ever taught me anything about that," Jimin said. The omega then stood straight and watched how Jungkook approached him to demonstrate.

      The King held Jimin in place by his arms as he began to move his leg in to bend Jimin's knee forward. Jungkook held the omega so he wouldn't fall back during the demonstration, but Jimin couldn't focus at all; he was whipped by Jungkook's gentle arms wrapping around his smaller frame. The feeling of having the alpha this close against his body, distracted Jimin from everything else. Jungkook began to notice every little detail in Jimin's eyes, his lips, and his nose when he held the omega close for that split second.

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