Chapter 31: The Answer

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    After a few hours shifted into days passing by like pages flipping through a book, the two partners didn't meet throughout those mornings. Before, Jimin reached the river with news he couldn't bear to hold in any further, but the king never showed up. It was obvious that Jungkook was a busy man after his rut set back the days for the selection. The royal court demanded that the king marry sooner, so the marriage ban could be lifted and he would no longer have to see multiple omegas daily. Jungkook was occupied throughout those days, leaving Jimin to wait at the river on his own every morning. The swan found it difficult to carry in the secret any further as if it was slowly building up inside him like water pushing up against a dam; only so many logs can withhold the pressure from the strong current of the river.

      Before Taehyung enlightened the young omega on the situation of hiding away his mark, Jimin had no hassle hiding away such a secret when fear carried the key to the lock; meaning that he only used fear to hide away such a heavyweight secret. Now, the omega longed to tell the alpha, but there was no other way to reach the king if he was never available throughout the day.

       Jimin stood at the river one afternoon, tugging onto his long, red skirt to his hanbok, matching with his yellow upper coat and pale pink ribbon that tied the two halves of his upper coat so his skin wouldn't be revealed. His short hair was let down with the sides pulled back and held down with his brooch. Since his hair wasn't as long as before, it was difficult to style into the usual braid.

       The omega returned to the river after morning to check if his alpha was present once again, but the longer he waited, the more anxiety knocked down his barriers. Jimin sighed and released his tense fingers from his skirt and looked around once more.

       "It's been three days... He must be very busy to miss out on another morning like this," Jimin whispered and trailed his soft fingers up to his mark where he rubbed it carefully. "I shouldn't hold this against him, besides, I've taken up too much of his time during his rut. He's busy and I should meet him when he has time for me," Jimin continued and within seconds, the mating mark over his neck, gave out a jolt as if triple the amount of bees came hurdling in his direction for a sting.

       "Mh-Ah," The omega hissed and ran the tip of his index finger along the dents to his mark and tried to relieve the pain, but it was no use. Jimin was extremely attached to his alpha to the point where he gained pain out of being so far from him. Especially since he hasn't seen the alpha in three days already. The mark was no longer recent, but their unbreakable bond that brought them together every second could have also benefited the constant stinging he would have on his neck. Either way, the omega couldn't bear to be far from his alpha now. He was the wind to his sail, the paint to his canvas and the air to his lungs. They were bound as one.

       "There has to be another way to see Jungkook today... t-there just has to!" Jimin thought and got on his knees as he cupped his mark. "I need to see him tonight when the town is fast asleep, I can't bear to be away from him... not when I have this mark over my neck, biting down on my skin every second we are apart! I've put up with it for so long," Jimin huffed and finally removed his hand from his mark to fan air against it, allowing wind to ease it. "What am I going to do?"

       At the same time, Jungkook dismissed another group of omegas from his courtyard. He looked around and watched them leave as he then hid his hands behind his usual red silk robe with golden dragon designs along his firm shoulders. As his wrist came into contact with his waist belt, he closed his eyes to listen to nature once more while he missed his lovely swan. When he spent three whole days without Jimin, he had an urge that almost pushed him to run out of his palace to see Jimin with just his royal robe on. But knowing how his people would bash in his glory and worship every step he took to the field, there was no use in running out and being seen with the one he wished for eternity with.

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