Chapter 15: My Feelings For You

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      The following days were devastating for the king. Jungkook showed up at the river and was left with no response; Jimin was nowhere to be found. The alpha would go about his day, worrying and thinking of Jimin from dusk till dawn. Even then, he would lay awake at night and panic; holding Jimin's favorite brooch close to his heart as he wondered, why did his swan seem to shy away from him? Yet, Jungkook never missed a morning trip to the river in hopes his muse would still be there, giggling and smiling at him to assure everything was fine.

     It was a grim morning for the King. He wore his disguise once more and feared the thought of Jimin never showing up again. "Did I hurt him?" He would think, gripping onto his silk hair in frustration. Even at a terrifying time like this, the boy skipped out on meals for a while. His heart was at the river, waiting for the matching beat to its own.

      Jungkook took a slow walk to the river, admiring the scenery along the way and hoping to see Jimin on the same path. Yet, he found no one but just merchants travelling outside of the village. The alpha didn't want to lose hope as he carried his heart in mind and pulled through. No matter what, he didn't want to think Jimin grew tired of him already.

     Once the young king reached the river, his eyes weighed heavy and dark circles could be spotted from a mile away on this pale boy. Jungkook took a glance at his reflection over the river and sighed right after. The love he had for Jimin was sweet, but his desperation and wonders were out to kill him. He clung onto Jimin like a leech for so long, he didn't know what to do once Jimin disappeared from his life after.

     "Oh Jimin... Where did you go? I miss you so much..." Jungkook whispered and set up his painting supplies as he contemplated. "I can't sleep... I can't paint without my muse by my side."

      The alpha held his tongue in silence and glanced around the silent river alone; he never knew how dull it was before Jimin stepped into his life. The tired boy sat by the same river he met with Jimin the first time. It was quiet and still, almost as if every day seemed so grim after the king saw the omega he kissed the other night. After a week, Jungkook painted Jimin many swans in hope that he will find his swan and apologize for coming off too strong. Every morning, Jungkook would paint another swan but with a rose; better than the last and even more special than the first. Of course, this alone would spark a smile in the king's grey face.

     Just when Jungkook began to paint the rose, he heard the grass crush underneath gentle footsteps behind him until he heard someone drop onto the spot to his right; the spot Jimin would always fill. Silence ensued as Jungkook inhaled the scent and recognized that it was Jimin! The smile over the king's face deepened while he finally let out an exhale to greet him.

     "It's been quite a while," Jungkook noted. Keeping his eyes on the painting, yet, silence followed. Just then, Jungkook turned his head to see why Jimin was taking so long to respond. "Jimin?" Jungkook called out and tilted his head at the sight of the silent omega.

     Jungkook's gaze fell onto the older boy. Jimin was just the same as before; beautiful and breathtaking. However, Jimin didn't seem the same. The innocent gleam in the omega's diamond-like eyes, was erased completely as he carried such a silent frown in between his own plump lips. Tears threatened to fall from Jimin's eyes as he avoided looking at the king in the eyes to show him respect.

    "Listen... I know I came off too strong the other night and I'm sorry... I really am. I-I was confused and I really wanted to hold you like no other. I like you, Park Jimin. I really do and I don't want you to think of me as some king. I want you to think of me as yours. No greater than that," Jungkook revealed. The king then guided his hand over Jimin's smaller hand that was rolled into a fist just to calm the omega. "I missed you... so much and I am so sorry... I shouldn't have forced a move on you like that."

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