Chapter 11: Trust Me

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     The two kissed underneath the shade of a tree; feeling the soft and warmth of another. Jungkook's hands trailed down from Jimin's face, to his shoulders to pull him closer onto his own body. Jimin's lips were as sweet as honey and as gentle as rich silk. The desperate king could feel every hitch to his gentle breathing and his face grew as hot as a summer day. How could Jungkook ever forget such a moment like this?

       Jungkook's heart raced by the second as they continued to kiss, none of them wished to break away from the first as they only parted to gaze at each other for a moment and slowly moved in for more. Right there, Jimin slid his hands up the alpha's chest; feeling every firm muscle of the king.

      The alpha leaned forward until Jimin laid back over the silk blanket. Jungkook was finally over the omega and their breathing only increased. In the heat of the moment, Jungkook was on top of Jimin, finally pulling his lips away to softly press wet kisses against Jimin's neck. As he did, he was given soft and gentle huffs from the omega.

      "Ah~" Jimin breathed softly and turned his head away to close his eyes. By now, his face was as red as the blanket yet, he didn't want this to end. How long have they been holding this off? Jungkook's body moved in against Jimin's smaller frame and could feel the omega's every move. When the alpha would detach his lips, Jimin would long for more than just that.

      "Jimin..." Jungkook whispered against Jimin's pale skin and continued to catch onto Jimin's scent up close. Jungkook's senses only managed to capture Jimin's scent and no one else's. This made the omega extremely special to the king himself.

      "Don't... Don't stop... oh please..." Jimin gasped against the alpha's ear and ran his knee against Jungkook's waist in a way to beg for something more than a childish kiss.

      Right as Jungkook's pouted lips reunited with Jimin's, he then began to feel Jimin's hand move to his own chest. The omega's fingers latched onto the ribbon over the upper jacket of his hanbok and began to tug it. The ribbon unraveled underneath his small fingertips and before he could remove the ribbon completely to expose his upper body, Jungkook swiftly grabbed Jimin's hand and finally stopped.

       "What are we doing...?" Jungkook whispered and let out a sharp exhale right after. The young alpha then got off of the omega and allowed him to tie the ribbon to his upper garment to conceal his chest once again. "This is going too fast...I'm so sorry..."

     "Is there something wrong? Is there...someone else? Is there someone you are bound to?" Jimin fretted to wonder as he couldn't dare to look Jungkook in the eyes. "Is that why you didn't want to go on any further?"

     "No. Ah, listen, Jimin. It's... complicated," replied Jungkook as he rubbed the side of his head and thought back at his sudden actions. Jungkook silently scolded himself for coming out too strong on the omega and left him wanting more now. The alpha just wished he could have kept his fantasies to himself for once.

     "It can't be complicated... Please, tell me. Tell me how you feel we've been through this before and we are no strangers when it comes to talking about anything," Jimin replied and finally stood up as he walked behind the alpha who was now facing the other direction. "Don't you trust me?"

     "I do... I trust you with my all. But, Jimin this isn't right, you're engaged and... Ah, I need to tell you something but, it's so difficult to bring myself to say it! I don't want to lose what we have here."

      "You won't lose what we have. How could you ever lose what we have? Something so special and precious," the omega whispered. Then, Jimin slowly reached for Jungkook's hand and intertwined with it as the alpha faced the other way. "I know I'm engaged and I know we won't have forever. But, my present is what's precious to me... You're my present."

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