Chapter 39: The Issue at Hand

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     By the following two weeks, Jungkook was able to stand up and speak properly without a stutter or a flinch from his wound. Yet, he couldn't do many things like walk around freely. Due to the pain, he would have to sit down and rest after a while. His recovery was slow and it was going to take a while for his wound to fully heal with only the infusions he was given. For the injury that almost killed him, the king was now incapable of seeing Jimin every morning.

      At night, he would run his hand down his bandaged chest and would reminisce on the day he had Jimin right before him on his bed, speaking to him in gentle whispers that soothed his jagged thoughts. That day Jimin came over to see him after he was shot by an arrow, the alpha treasured the moment his eyes awakened and met with his true omega. The caring whispers of the omega's gentle voice was enough to make Jungkook feel as if he was no longer alone. Even when he took on the journey to recovery without Jimin standing by his side every step of the way, it was difficult at times to learn patience when it came to his desperation. The ongoing thoughts of Park Jimin were engraved into the king's mind to the point where he no longer felt pain in his chest at times. But when his desperation got a hold of his thoughts, he would feel the pain burning within his wound. He still had yet to recover.

     One perfect morning kept Jungkook standing before his servants that clothed him as he stood in place, eyeing his guard who was very silent after the incident that took place weeks before. Yoongi was quiet, he rarely spoke to the king and only talked when spoken to. This left Jungkook feeling more alone since his recovery forbade him from seeing his omega. Yoongi was the only man he had close by when he was feeling lonely, but the guard became unapproachable to speak to.

       "You seem to have so much on your mind that it has kept you muted for so long..." Jungkook spoke out to the guard as he was being clothed by his servants. "Are you alright, guard?"

       "Yes, My King... I was only thinking back on the day of your incident," Yoongi replied respectfully since the servants were present and he wasn't allowed to talk to the young king without any hint of disrespect.

       "What of it?"

       "About the arrow that struck you, My King," Yoongi replied, longing to pace around freely, but he was glued to his post, staring at the cold ground with a straight posture. "We cannot allow this to slip away. I've waited so long to ask this of you when the time was right. I didn't want to recall such a traumatic experience for you, My King."

        "The arrow... I have no memory of that moment I was struck with the arrow. I only recall the horrid day that was disguised as such a perfect morning. I believed it had the best weather, but I was wrong... oh, how I was so wrong..." Jungkook spoke softly and ran his hand up to the center of his chest where his fingers latched onto the bandages wrapped around his chest. There, his diamond like eyes began to tear up at the pain he felt right after the arrow shot him.

       The desperate king was stuck with his injury, it was going to take a long time for his wound to completely heal but for now, he was left with his own desperate thoughts that whispered words into his ear and caused him to raise his tensed shoulders at the thought of having his omega far away.

       "My King, just say the word and I will get behind this! I will find the monster who shot you and have their head hung at the entrance! Please, let me help you," Yoongi begged as the servants then looked at the guard silently.

       The king had his robe draping over his shoulders with the center left caving open for his bandages. As the young man kept his gaze locked onto the guard, he raised his hand to dismiss the servants who clothed him and tied his hair into his usual topknot style hiding underneath his black crown.

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