Chapter 41: One Last Favor

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It wasn't until then, Yoongi began to ponder the thought further. He bit his lower lip in frustration until his mind was cleared from the constant static that kept ringing in his ears. Until he formed proper thoughts in his mind, his eyes widened at the guess he created in seconds.

"He didn't lose interest... he's hiding from the truth. He knew what he did wasn't right, he shot Jungkook! But in his eyes, it was the commoner that took Jimin away from him," Yoongi thought and turned around to head to the palace, leaving the crowd to murmur right behind him after. "That's why he hid away, guilt is eating him alive as it should, jealousy is a vicious monster hiding in such a benign word. But if he's such a nice man that would never wrong any living person, how could he come up with such a vicious idea? Could it be... that he was put up to this? Or was this his true intent?"

While Yoongi hissed those thoughts in his mind, he began to grow upset with his own ideas. Those words he formed into his mind was enough to make him think of the young king and hope to alert him about the issue at hand. Instantly, Yoongi raced to the palace, collecting his thoughts into simple words he could use to tell the king about the nobleman who shot him that morning; Jung Hoseok.

The words the man spoke earlier didn't seem to make any sense to the alpha, Yoongi knew by now how loved the nobleman was. By the way the man painted the noble was enough to create the idea that he is very much loved by the whole town! Yet, Yoongi knew something was off. There had to be an influence that burned through the alpha to shoot his arrow at the innocent king.

Eventually, Yoongi reached the palace and panted as he continued to push forward until he reached the king's royal throne room. The halls and royal staff were silent around the wounded king, hoping to avoid stressing the young alpha out over anything. But there Jungkook sat, having a gloomy look weighing in his tired gaze as his right hand fixed over his wound. A voice in the guard's mind told him to hold off the truth, but the Yoongi couldn't contain it any longer. He believed that Jungkook needed to take action.

"My King..." Yoongi spoke out of breath as he bowed and stood at the center. Feeling the many eyes within the room, lock onto him. "I bear news... news that you must hear, My King." As Yoongi's deeply toned voice pierced through the silence that filled the air, Jungkook's exhausted gaze slowly fixed onto the alpha standing in place before him.

"News... what of it?"

"Bad news that I believe you need to hear, My King..." Yoongi added on and looked around as he was kept in a bowing position. "If you could please..."

As Jungkook looked around for a moment, he raised his hand and dismissed the many guards and servants that stood within the throne room, protecting the king himself and ensuring that his health remained well. However, on the inside, Jungkook wasn't himself anymore. The pain doubled and his desperation only seemed to scream within the silent walls of his mind. Crying for Jimin, but he kept his patience in and remained in his room, hoping no one else could hear his endless cries.

The look the king had over his face was a blank and teary gaze that told endless stories of sorrow. His endless tears carried on to the point where Jungkook was silent due to how much pain he endured over his injury and his desperation not getting what he wanted. At the end of the day, what his desperate mind wanted was Park Jimin all along.

Once the king and his loyal guard were left alone, Yoongi looked up and stood before the king, noticing how emotionally exhausted he was after so much had happened to him. He too began to notice the torture, but did he do anything to stop it? No, Jungkook only allowed it to take over his well-being only because he knew it was the only way he could show Jimin that he was able to be patient.

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