Chapter 44: A Wreck

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Was the pain worth the love they would face after? Was this the feeling of love having yet to arrive around the corner? The young king himself didn't know at all. Jimin disappeared beyond those closed doors and left his alpha alone. Instantly, the fangs on the alpha's teeth, bared and tears ran down his eyes instantly. His heart raced and despite the roaring pain in his wound, he didn't care about anything else but only replayed the way he watched his omega cry.

"Jimin...." Jungkook whispered to himself and fell onto his knees as his body pointed towards the doors up ahead. "JIMIN!" Jungkook cried loudly and suddenly began to sob at the sight of watching his omega leave him. He felt different after crying loudly for his swan to come back, he felt as if something inside him was dying out and that was nothing but his desperation.

One part of him wanted to run after his omega, pull him by his hand, and force the marriage onto him. But, the other side of him left him at his knees to watch the omega leave. That side of him knew Jungkook needed to see Jimin leave entirely to get rid of his desperation for once and for all. His desperation was spoiled, obsessive, it was enough to blind Jungkook from the reality of things and make it seem as if the worst decisions were not a problem when they really were. He was so sure he was going to marry the omega, he did not expect Jimin to walk away after he demanded it.

There, Jimin stood outside of the doors to the throne room. His heart matched with his alpha even if he wasn't in the same room as him at the moment. He listened to the king shout like a child when it came to Jimin leaving the conversation at that. Jimin knew this was going to help both of them and said goodbye to the king. He knew this wasn't the end to what they had since their souls were bound for an eternity, so it was a goodbye for the break they needed to take to work on themselves.

"JIMIN, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Jungkook screamed and kept his glare at the door. Every part of him that was desperately yearning for Jimin to marry him no matter what he said, wanted to run out the doors to grab him and never let go. But he battled with his inner desperation and remained on the ground. Shouting and screaming as he felt that spoiled part to his desperation, suffer every second.

The omega himself felt guilty. Just as he heard the king's loud cries, he knew he played a part of it as well. Jimin knew he was the cause of why the alpha was like this. The longer he took to make up his mind, made the king impatient. The words he told the king during the argument, fueled Jeon Jungkook's racing tears. As much as they cared for each other, they always seemed to harm each other in the process.

"Jimin," spoke a familiar voice that called out to him from behind. Instantly, Jimin turned away from the doors to lock eyes with the head guard of the palace; Min Yoongi.

"Y-Yoongi... I-I."

"Why is he yelling like that?" Yoongi wondered. The way his piercing glare locked onto Jimin, scared the worried swan. Yoongi cared about the young king and always longed to protect him. Guiding his young mind, molding it and teaching it many things. Yoongi was like an older brother figure Jungkook never had, so when it came to issues like this, Yoongi made sure he stepped in between to help the young king.

"We... we had an argument..." Jimin replied and let out a sigh as his hand latched onto his chest where Jungkook also had the wound on his own. "I... I think we... we need some time apart," Jimin whispered and tightened his hand over the silk fabric to his upper coat.

"I think it's better if you leave right now. If you two need to process this apart, what good are you doing if you're standing behind the door like this? He knows you're here, do not taunt him," Yoongi whispered to the omega softly and looked down at the swan right after. "If you want to take time apart, do it now. The more you wait here, the louder he will cry and fight himself over this."

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