Chapter 29: A Stone Dagger

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Jungkook and Jimin's breath evened right after the wind filled their lungs with the air they gasped for. They were locked onto each other after they synced in a heartbeat and kissed underneath the morning sun. Delicately, they laid together in each other's arms, listening closely to the world around them. Birds chirped and the wind gave them an earful while the water ran through soft stones on shallow water.

"Jungkook, can I keep something of you?" Jimin softly inquired and kissed the alpha along his neck. "Please? I've never caught onto a scent like yours... inhaling another scent makes me sick!"

"What about my paintings? Do you still have them?"

"I've kept them all! But they aren't too strong. They carry the scents of paint and your scent seems to have faded by now, I want something more than that." Jimin spoke into a pout and clenched his fingers against the cotton upper coat of the king's disguise. "Please..."

Jungkook noticed how clingy Jimin seemed. Before, the omega would only smile, hug him, and be on his way, but now, Jimin seemed to crave more. It was as if he was feeding an urge with the alpha, and all Jungkook could do was sit back and do what Jimin asked of him. Even if their bond seemed to sprout, Jungkook knew something felt different. Normally, he was head over heels and now, Jimin couldn't help but to keep his face close to the king's chest to ease his senses.

"Take my coat then, I'll find another coat later," Jungkook assured and watched the light in the omega's eyes glow with excitement.

"Ah- oh, but I can't..." pouted the omega and closed his eyes as his fingers travelled up and down the alpha's torso. "It's too noticeable! My father will see it and catch onto your scent. I won't be able to take it anywhere with me."

"Why... Do you suddenly want something of me? Before, you used to be fine without my scent under your nose, why is this so different now?" Jungkook wondered and watched Jimin's hand pull away to touch his own neck hidden underneath his own collar.

"It's nothing... I was with you for four days, those things wouldn't go away so easily," Jimin replied and bit onto his own bottom lip. "I am an unmarried omega after all, you were my first and I just think I'll need something of you after being this attached."

Every word Jimin uttered seemed unbelievable to his ears. Jungkook was curious about the omega's antics and ran his hand up Jimin's cheek to then point his face against his. "You'll be fine without it then. It's either the coat or nothing."

Jimin looked at the king and let out a sigh before pressing his face against his partner's chest to lose himself in his scent for as long as he could before realizing he had to go home. They seemed glued to each other's presence and it was difficult for Jungkook to even think about Jimin leaving. The king knew he was obsessed, but he never expected to feel this drawn to an omega before.

"Jimin, what are we doing? You have to go home. Your family must be worried sick!"

"Ugh- no... I don't want to go back, I want to stay here... here with you," Jimin complained against the alpha's chest and closed his eyes to feel the cotton coat rub against his face. "I don't want to go home..."

"You're worrying me, my swan," Jungkook whispered and caressed Jimin's damp hair back. "Tell me... what's wrong?"

"Nothing! It's nothing, Jungkook! Going home for me is the worst part of my mornings. I want to stay here, wrapped around in your arms and looking at the skies above me."

"You're not looking at the skies, you're burying your face into my chest like a scared child."

"Ah, Jungkook..." Jimin groaned and finally raised his face to meet with the alpha. "Doesn't the mood of a great morning give you peace? I don't have to look at the skies above me to feel at ease, I could listen to the wind, the calming shakes of a tree's leaves and the birds above chirping. I've shown you many ways to love nature, have you forgotten all of it once you've stopped painting?"

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