Chapter 10: Silent Lips

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     After a few weeks, the two got closer. Jungkook and Jimin met every morning at the Omega River and their bond grew deeper. The two were inseparable and the thought of missing a morning meeting at the river, never seemed to come across their minds. Jimin was beginning to have many paintings of swans he had to store away safely from his father and Jungkook had to order his servants to supply him with more material to continue painting. Of course, some mornings were different. Jungkook didn't have to paint Jimin a thing and the two would only talk for hours until it was time to go. The two supplied a shoulder for each other within their friendship and that's what made it even more special. However, they didn't go unnoticed by a certain alpha.

    Hoseok never missed a morning where he didn't watch the two from afar. Yet, the older alpha never intervened and only watched Jimin grow further and further away from him. Their wedding had yet to be arranged, but at times, Hoseok found himself longing to put it off since Jimin would never return such a beautiful smile, just like the ones he always gave Jungkook. There were moments where Hoseok spent time with the omega, but they exchanged nothing but silence during the short time they spent together. The alpha didn't know much about the omega, but he knew more of the commoner Jimin always clung onto every time. Hoseok couldn't comprehend the idea that he was slowly losing his fiancé, and when he did, his jealousy began to grow into something much worse.

     On the other hand, the duo grew into something new; they viewed the world differently as they spent their lovely mornings together. Jimin found peace in his mind and soul with Jungkook around; he has gotten used to Jungkook's scent and found it as something he just couldn't imagine a world without. Park Jimin was bound to the alpha without even knowing it! As for the king himself, his emotions were the same as before. Jungkook still had erotic fantasies of Park Jimin; those dreams where he would wake up and see a different part of Jimin, he would wake up covered in his own sweat. It was like a reoccurring dream to Jungkook, he would find the spot next to his bed no longer empty, Jimin's sweet scent would fill his mind, and he would always give in to lust. But, he knew the consequences of letting this linger on, Jungkook couldn't help but to sleep in to see more to it. He couldn't refuse seeing Jimin in any way that was enough to feed his fantasies and desperate ache for love.

    The following morning of the new week was as beautiful as always; the sunlight beamed over the land and the wind was blowing cool air from the north. Flowers bloomed that morning to welcome another spring day. Jungkook discreetly walked along the palace court with his disguise as he gazed along the solid walls. Trying to find a better way to climb it. The king always tried to find other ways to climb a different part of the palace walls just to avoid getting caught by other guards.

    As the king in disguise placed his hands against the stone wall to climb it, he set the small, woven, crate that held his painting materials, behind him. Just as the king began to climb up the wall quickly to escape, he felt a tight grip hold onto the strap that was thrown over his shoulder. With that, Jungkook suddenly fell back and caught his balance before he could stumble back.

     "Good morning, My King," Yoongi cooed into a tease, knowing exactly what Jungkook was up to. "I have a few questions I am dying to ask before you depart."

     "Ah- of course, make them quick..." Jungkook responded and folded his arms as he faced the guard. Lately, Yoongi was barely in Jungkook's life. He grew distant towards the king and believed this was over up until now.

      "Are you going to see him?" Yoongi wondered and tilted his head at the king. "Be honest with me..."

     "Of course I am, how could I not? I have been seeing him for quite some time now. That's as honest as I could be."

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