Chapter 16: New Rules

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"Jungkook!" Jimin's short breathing hitched after the swift kiss as he felt the king's grip around his waist. "What will we do if we're caught like this?"

"Oh Jimin, you didn't hesitate before when we kissed. What makes this so different?" Jungkook replied and finally loosened his grip around Jimin. "I don't care if I get caught anymore, I'd rather have the whole town talking about us than your engagement to a man you don't want."

"Well I can't be seen like this, I will be seen as an engaged omega having an affair with a commoner and my reputation would be ruined! You know how important reputation is viewed upon. I'm not to engage with you like this!"

"Well, would you like to go somewhere more... private?" Jungkook's whisper fell into a smirk that left Jimin's eyes wide open at the proposal.

"No!" Jimin bursted into laughter as he then shoved the alpha. Jimin has never felt so comfortable with any other living soul other than Jungkook. He was able to talk to the King about anything and now that their feelings were obvious about each other, Jimin couldn't be any happier at a moment like this after feeling the torture from his heat.

"Jimin, oh I wasn't thinking like that!" Jungkook laughed and once again, his arms found their way around the omega's frame. "I mean... let's go back to the omega river, we could spend our morning there."

"That's not a good idea for your senses. If anyone was to find us, you wouldn't be able to sense them from a mile away! Your senses would be blocked," Jimin assured and slowly moved the king's hands away from his waist. "I don't want you to risk it, too much of that place is bad for you."

"They won't be able to harm me Jimin, besides. I can be myself when I am alone with you. No guards, no eunuchs, no servants... Just us.."

Jungkook looked at Jimin as if he was all he had ever wanted. Jimin knew how important he was to the alpha and felt as if those feelings were mutual. Jimin was all the king had ever wanted and he knew it all; Jungkook's desperation for love was so obvious, it was like Jimin was reading the young alpha like a book. Jungkook was easy to manipulate; a naive boy who's heart was in his mind. Yet, Jimin couldn't help but to blush when Jungkook would say things like this.

The two eventually made their way to the Omega River, holding hands as they smiled along the way happily. Once they arrived at the river, they sat closer than they were at the Silent River. Jimin sat in front of the alpha's lap and leaned back onto the king's chest as they listened to the ripples of the river itself.

The moment was calm, gentle, simple. Jungkook's loud and endless thoughts grew silent as he carried Jimin's weight over his chest. Now, he couldn't focus on painting again. He had no reason to paint when his heart seemed to beat no further away. He used painting as a way to cope with his feeling of love; something he longed to feel. It was enough to distract him but now, he had no reason to avoid it when it was just starting to grow in his arms every second he spent with the beautiful omega. Their relationship had yet to blossom into real love, but for now, it was a romantic interest.

Jungkook's eyes fell onto Jimin's perfectly sculpted face. His pale skin resembled the winter and his plump lips resembled spring where all the cherry trees in the palace courtyard would bloom. As the alpha's eyes latched onto the omega, Jimin then focused onto the king. Jimin thought of the king as a charming man and despite his young age, he was as wise as an elder. Jimin couldn't pinpoint what made Jungkook so different, was it his charming features; his perfectly carved jaw, his pouting red lips, or was it his dedication of putting the ones he admired first? Whatever it was, Jimin knew he longed to stay in this moment for as long as he could.

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